ITER Information
Summary: Plenary Session of joint meetings Implementing Agreement for Co-operation on Tokamak Programs (CTP) International Tokamaks Physics Activities (ITPA), and, 15th Meeting of the ITPA Coordinating Committee CTP-ITPA Planning Meeting for Joint Experiments (JEX) [Cadarache, France, ITER Headquarters, December 10 - 12, 2012]
- "ITER Research Needs;" David Campbell, Plasma Operation Directorate, ITER; Report to the ITPA Coordinating Committee, Cadarache, France, December 12, 2011.
USBPO Reports
- "International Collaboration Opportunities for the US Fusion Sciences Program," Report of the International Collaboration Task Group, U.S. Burning Plasma Organization, Michael Zarnstorff, Chair, July 26, 2011.
- Report of the Burning Plasma Organization Panel on Planning for US Participation in ITER, prepared by a special panel (chaired by E. Marmar) of the USBPO Council, September 3, 2009
- A Burning Plasma Diagnostic Initiative for the US Magnetic Fusion Energy Science Program, July 2007. White Paper presented to DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences
- Planning for U.S. Fusion Community Participation in the ITER Program; prepared by the U.S. Burning Plasma Organization Energy Policy Act Task Group, June 7, 2006
USBPO Annual Reports
- Annual Progress Report for Activities of the US Burning Plasma Organization; J.W. Van Dam, [submitted to DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, March 31, 2009]
- Annual Progress Report for Activities of the US Burning Plasma Organization; J.W. Van Dam, [submitted to DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, March 7, 2008]
USBPO Presentations
Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Meetings
- Progress and Plans of the US Burning Plasma Organization; James W. Van Dam, March 2010 [presented at Fusion Energy Sciences Budget Planning Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, March 11-12, 2010]
- The Challenges of Plasma-Surface Interactions for ITER & Beyond; Dennis Whyte, November 2008 [presented at Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, November 2008]
- US Community Support During Preparations for ITER; C.M. Greenfield, November 2008 [presented at Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, November 6, 2008]
- Towards a Long-Range, Dedicated, Integrated US Diagnostic Development Program–A US Initiative; Rejean Boivin, concerning the USBPO Diagnostics White Paper [presented at Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting in Gaithersburg, MD, November 6-7, 2008]
- Activities of the U.S. Burning Plasma Organization; J.W. Van Dam, March 2008 [presented at USDOE/Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Budget Planning Meeting, March 11, 2008]
- USBPO Update & ITER Design Review Activities; J. W. Van Dam, July 2007 [presented at Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting, Washington, DC, July 16, 2007]
- Update about the US Burning Plasma Organization; J. W. Van Dam, March 2007 [presented at Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, March 1-2, 2007]
- Overview of the Burning Plasma Organization; J. W. Van Dam, March 2007 [presented at DOE Budget Planning Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, March 13-14, 2007]
- EPAct Draft Report Discussion; R.J. Fonck, 1 June 2006 [presented at Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD]
- Status of the U.S. Burning Plasma Physics Program; R. Fonck, 19 July 2005 [presented at Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD]
American Physical Society Meetings
- Overview of ITER Heating and Current Drive Systems; David Rasmussen, Heating, Fueling, and Disruption Mitigation Manager, US ITER Project [presented at the 53rd American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 14, 2011].
- U.S. Contributions to ITER R&D and Open Scientific Opportunities; C. M. Greenfield, November 2011 [presented at the 53rd American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 15, 2011].
- Latest Developments on ITER; J. A. Snipes, November 2011 [presented at the USBPO Town Meeting on ITER Status during the 53rd American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Anual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 15, 2011].
- US Contributions to ITER R&D; James W. Van Dam, November 2010 [presented at the Town Meeting on ITER Status, during the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 9, 2010]
- ITER Scientific Status and Required R&D; Alberto Loarte, November 2010 [presented at the Town Meeting on ITER Status, during the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 9, 2010]
- US Engineering, Technology R&D, and Design Activity for ITER; Brad Nelson, November 2010 [presented at the Town Meeting on ITER Status, during the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 9, 2010]
- New ITER Baseline and Risk Assessment; G. S. Lee, November 2010 [presented at the Town Meeting on ITER Status, during the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 9, 2010]
- How the US Fusion Energy Science Community is Actively Contributing to ITER; J.W. Van Dam, November 2008 [presented at APS-DPP Town Hall Meeting on ITER, Dallas, TX, November 18, 2008]
- Programmatic Status of ITER; Charles Baker, November 2008 [presented at APS-DPP Town Hall Meeting on ITER, Dallas, TX, November 18, 2008]
- Scientific Status of ITER; D.J. Campbell, November 2008 [presented at APS-DPP Town Hall Meeting on ITER, Dallas, TX, November 18, 2008]
- The Status of ITER; The ITER Design Review; G. Janeschitz, November 2007 [presented at APS-DPP Town Meeting on ITER Design Review, Orlando, FL, November 2007]
- BPO Inputs to ITER Design Review on Pellet Pacing, RMP and RWM Coils, and Disruption Mitigation; R. J. Hawryluk, November 2007 [presented at APS-DPP Town Meeting on ITER Design Review, Orlando, FL, November 2007]
- BPO Input to the ITER Design Review for In-vessel Components and Discharge Evolution; R.D. Stambaugh, November 2007 [presented at APS-DPP Town Meeting on ITER Design Review, Orlando, FL, November 2007]
- The Scientific Challenge of Burning Plasmas, a Tutorial; J.W. Van Dam, November 2007 [presented at APS-DPP Meeting, November 14, 2007]
- USBPO at APS-DPP, November 2007. A list of burning plasma-related abstracts
- How to Make a Big International Project Happen: Lessons from ITER; J.W. Van Dam, April 2007 [presented at APS Meeting, April 14, 2007]
- U.S. Burning Plasma Program Development; R. J. Fonck, October 2006 [presented at ITER Town Hall Meeting, APS/DPP, Philadelphia, PA, October 31, 2006]
- U.S. Burning Plasma Program Development; R. Fonck, October 2006 [presented at APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, 30 October - 3 November 2006, Philadelphia PA]
- Status of the ITER Project; N. Holtkamp, October 2006 [presented at ITER Town Hall Meeting, APS/DPP, Philadelphia, PA, October 2006]
- US ITER Project, Providing a Facility for Burning Plasma Research, Working with the US Community to Position the US for Burning Plasma Research; N. Sauthoff, October 2006 [presented at ITER Town Hall Meeting, APS/DPP, Philadelphia, PA, October 2006]
- Development of the U.S. Burning Plasma Physics Program; R. Fonck, 25 October 2005 [presented at APS/DPP Town Hall Meeting, Denver, CO]
Fusion Power Associates Meetings
Activities of the US Burning Plasma Organization; Charles M. Greenfield, December 2012 [presented at the Fusion Power Associates 33rd Annual Meeting and Symposium, Washington, DC, December 6, 2012]
- U.S. Burning Plasma Physics Program; James W. Van Dam, December 2010 [presented at the Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium, Washington, DC, December 1-2, 2010]
- U.S. Burning Plasma Organization: Supporting US Scientific Contributions to ITER; Amanda Hubbard, December 2009 [presented at the Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium, Washington, DC, December 2-3, 2009]
- The US Burning Plasma Program; C.M. Greenfield, December 2008 [presented at the Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium, Livermore, CA, December 3, 2008]
- The US Burning Plasma Organization Activities; N. Uckan, December, 2007 [presented to Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium, December 4, 2007]
USBPO Web Seminar Presentations
- Report on ITPA MHD Topical Group Meeting, Ted Strait [presented at the USBPO Web Seminar, March 29, 2011.]
- Report on ITPA Divertor/SOL Topical Group Meetings, Bruce Lipschultz on behalf of the Divertor/SOL Topical Group, [presented at the USBPO Web Seminar, March 29, 2011.]
- Report on ITPA-IEA CTP Meetings, Dec 13-16, 2010, Cadarache, France; Erol Oktay, [presented at the USBPO Web Seminar, February 22, 2011.]
- Transport and Confinement ITPA JEX/JAC Plans for 2011; S.M. Kaye, Chair, for the T&C ITPA Group, [presented by John Rice at the USBPO Web Seminar, February 22, 2011.]
Other USBPO Presentations
- The Problems; The Successes, The Challenges, Lee A. Berry et al. [ [presented at the 41st HPC User Forum, Omni Houston Galleria, Houston, Texas April 5-7, 2010.]
- High Performance Computing and the U.S. Burning Plasma Organization: News from the Front Line of Fusion Simulation; Dylan Brennan [presented at the 41st HPC User Forum, Omni Houston Galleria, Houston, Texas April 5-7, 2010.]
- ITER Update and Science Opportunities; James W. Van Dam, [presented at fall meeting, Plasma Science Committee, Board of Physics and Astronomy, National Research Council, National Academies of Science, Beckman Center, Irvine, CA, September 2010.]
- An Overview of ITER and US Efforts; James W. Van Dam, August 2010 [presented at Big Physics Symposium, NI Week Conference, Austin, TX, August 2, 2010]
- Activities of the US Burning Plasma Organization; James W. Van Dam, March 2010 [presented at 28th US-Japan Executive Secretaries Meeting, Germantown, MD, March 24, 2010]
- Activities of the US Burning Plasma Organization; James W. Van Dam, March 2010 [presented at US-EURATOM Coordinating Committee (CC-13) Meeting, Washington, DC, March 16, 2010]
- Scientific Developments in the Journey to a Burning Plasma (ITER); Raymond J. Fonck, [presented at 2009 APS April Meeting combined with the Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Denver CO]
- Progress Towards Burning Plasmas; J.W. Van Dam, September 2008 [presented to International Congress on Plasma Physics, Japan, September 8-12, 2008]
- ITER: An unprecedented example of US involvement in a big-science international physics collaboration; J.W. Van Dam, June 2008 [presented to US Liaison Committee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics at the National Academy of Sciences, June 2, 2008]
- Working with ITER: Where do we go from here?; C.M. Greenfield, March 2008 [presented at 21st US Transport Task Force Workshop, March 26, 2008]
- Alfvén Modes in Tokamaks and ITER; J.W. Van Dam, January, 2008 [presented at CMPD-CMSO Winter School, January 12, 2008]
- U.S. Burning Plasma Organization: Activities and Plans; C. M. Greenfield, September 2007 [presented at Plasma Science Committee, National Research Council, Irvine, CA September 29, 2007]
- 20 Year Outlook, an Interim Report; August 2007
- U.S. Burning Plasma Program Development; R. Fonck, October 2006 [presented at the University Fusion Association Meeting, 30 October 2006, Philadelphia, PA]
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ITER Physics Task Solicitations
- Evaluation_of_fuelling_requirements_and transient_density_behaviour.pdf
- Development_of_Numerical_Codes_for_Optim_3F7BPZ_v1_3[1].pdf
- Technical_Specifications_ITER_Scenario_Controlled_ELMs_2010_revised_1.doc
- Technical_Specifications_Pedestal_Analysis_2010_AL_revised_1.doc
- Technical_Specifications_Task_on_Simulat_2MPUDL_v1_0[1].doc
- Technical_Specifications_Task_for_H_26CD_P_2MN47R_v1_0[2].doc
- Technical_Specification_Edge_magnetic_fi_2LRFMB_v1_0[1].doc
- Plasma startup 2009-v1-2_090218
- Plasma magnetic control_2009_v1-2_090218
- Plasma scenarios 2009-v1-2_090218
- Task_on_Error_Fields_Measurements_without_Plasma
- Error fields_IPEC_v2-2_090218
- Task_on_Simulations_of_Toroidal_Field_Ripple
- Disruption simulation database_final
- Plasma magnetic reconstruction_2009_v1-2
- Task_on_analysis_of_Resistive_Wall_Mode__2MXHGE_v1_0[1]
- Error_Field_Measurements_with_Pl
- Task_for_Self-consistent_Transport_Simul_2L9YPN_v1_0[1]1
ITER-related Presentations
- An Overview of ITER and US Efforts, J. W. Van Dam [presented at the Big Physics Symposium, Paris, France, 7 February 2011]
- JET ELM Control Coil Feasibility Study, Final Report, JET ELM Coil Study Team [presented to the 39th EFDA Steering Committee, 20 January 2010]
- ITER Physics Initiatives & ITER Research Plan; J.W. Van Dam [presented at U.S. ITER Technical Advisory Committee Meeting, April 14-15, 2009]
- A Lower Hybrid Current Drive System for ITER by G.T. Hoang, A. Bécoulet, et al [presented at February 23, 2009 remote seminar on Lower Hybrid Current Drive for ITER]
- ITER High Priority Research Needs 2009-2011; V. Chuyanov and D. Campbell, December 2008 [presented at 7th EEA-ITPA Joint Experiments Meeting, MIT, 11-13 December 2008]
- Most Urgent ITER Physics Needs & the ITER Research Plan; J.W. Van Dam, August 2008 [presented at U.S. ITER Technical Advisory Committee Meeting, August 13-14, 2008]
- Coordination of the ITER Research Program between the ITER IO and the ITER Parties; W.A. Houlberg, March 2008 [presented at 21st US Transport Task Force Workshop, March 26, 2008]
- ITER Design Review Physics Issues; R.J. Hawryluk, March 2008 [presented at USDOE/OFES Budget Planning Meeting, March 11, 2008]
NRC 2007 PresentationsAll of the following were presented to the Committee to Review US ITER Science Participation Planning Process (CRISPPP), National Research Council (NRC), December 14, 2007.
- DOE Perspectives and Plans For Engagement of ITER; E. Oktay, DOE/OFES
- ITER Organization Engagement of Member States and Research Agenda; D.J. Campbell, ITER
- ITER and the European Fusion Research Programme; Jerome Pamela, EFDA
- Japanese Participation in ITER and Research Plans; Shinzaburo Matsuda, JAEA
- Plans for U.S. Engagement with ITER Organization; N. Sauthoff, ORNL
- Engagement of US Plasma/Fusion Energy Science Community in ITER Research and Reflections on USBPO Plan; J.W. Van Dam, USBPO [presented to Committee to Review US ITER Science Participation Planning Process, National Research Council, December 14, 2007]
- U.S. BPO Panel: Planning for ITER; Earl Marmar, MIT
- U.S. Engagement in ITER Technology Research; S. Milora, ORNL
Fusion Policy
- FESAC: Characteristics and Contributions of the Three Major United States Toroidal Magnetic Fusion Facilities 2005
- FESAC: Requested Information Provided by the Three Major United States Toroidal Magnetic Fusion Facilities 2005
- FESAC: Scientific Challenges, Opportunities, and Priorities for the U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Program 2005
- Energy Policy Act of 2005 (full)
- Energy Policy Act of 2005 (fusion only)
- DOE Office of Science Strategic Plan 2004: fusion
- "Burning Plasma, Bringing a Star to Earth", a prepublication version, September 2003. Final Version at
- FESAC: A Plan for the Development of Fusion Energy 2003
- FESAC: A Burning Plasma Program Strategy to Advance Fusion Energy 2002
- Snowmass 2002 Executive Summary
- FESAC: Review of Burning Plasma Physics 2001
Workshop (December 2005)