The U.S. Burning Plasma Organization (USBPO) is a national organization of scientists and engineers involved in researching the properties of magnetically confined burning fusion plasmas.
U.S. Burning Plasma Organization eNews
June 15, 2012 (Issue 65)
Included in this month's issue: Read it Online or Download/Print it Here
- Director's Corner by C. M. Greenfield
- USBPO Topical Group Highlights
- Observation of Localized Fast-Ion Heat Loads in Test Blanket Module Simulation Experiments on DIII-D
- ITPA Report
- Summary of the 8th Meeting of the ITPA Energetic Particle Topical Group
- Announcements
- Upcoming Burning Plasma-related Events
Previous eNews issues: Read or download Here
White Papers: FESAC Subcommittee on MFE Priorities (FSMP):
U.S. researchers and graduate students may access FSMP white papers and discussions. USBPO membership is not required. More details are here.
Call for proposal from ITER IO for the task, "Evaluation of fuelling requirements and transient density behavior in ITER reference operational scenarios".
The US ITER Project Office will not be participating in this Task Agreement; however, the USIPO will submit any technical proposals received by the deadline to the ITER Organization for their review. If selected by the IO, the IO will communicate with the proposer to establish a direct contract. Negotiations regarding this task should be directly between the awarded institution and the IO, with no involvement from the USIPO. To submit a proposal for this task, provide a technical proposal document with pricing information to maelzermj@ornl.gov and steffeyrw@ornl.gov by midnight, September 25, 2012.- "ITER Research Needs" a report by David Campbell, Plasma Operation Directorate, ITER Project, presented to the ITPA Coordinating Committee, Cadarache, France; December 12, 2011.
- ITER Task Solicitations