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U.S. Burning Plasma Organization eNews
May 19, 2010 (Issue 44)
Director's Corner Jim Van DamUSBPO Topical Group Highlights Observations of Toroidal Rotation Drive without External
Momentum Input J.E. Rice, Y. Lin,
M.L. Reinke, Y. Podpaly,
S. Wukitch, G. Wallace, and R. ParkerReports Summary of the April ITER TBM WorkshopE. Oktay Status of Fusion Energy Sciences’ Joint Facilities Research Target 2010 on Thermal Transport in the Scrape-off Layer
R. Nygren, M. Ulrickson,
and M. Hechler Summary Report of the Meeting of the ITPA Topical Group onTransport and Confinement S. KayeUpcoming Burning Plasma-related Events 2010 Events
2011 Events
Dear Burning Plasma Aficionados:
This newsletter provides a short update on U.S. Burning Plasma Organization activities. Comments on articles in the newsletter may be sent to the editor (Tom Rognlien trognlien at or assistant editor (Rita Wilkinson ritaw at
Thank you for your interest in Burning Plasma research in the U.S.!
Director's Corner by J. W. Van Dam
IITER International Summer School on MHD and Plasma Control
Here’s another reminder to encourage graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and
young scientists to attend this Summer School (
Senior scientists are also very welcome to attend. This is the first time the ITER International
Summer School is to be held in the US, and it probably will not return to this country for some
time—so take advantage of the opportunity now. On-campus housing for the student
participants is a bargain. Registrations and abstracts are due by April 30.
Reminder about the USBPO Council Election
The twelve members of the USBPO Council serve staggered three-year terms. Every year
at this time, four members rotate off. An election is held to replace two of the members, with the
other two being appointed. The Council’s Nomination Committee, chaired by John Sarff, has
finished collecting nominations from the USBPO membership and will soon propose a slate of
qualified candidates to the Council. You will then receive a message about the voting
USBPO Topical Group Highlights
The BPO Confinement and Transport Topical Group seeks to facilitate U.S. efforts to understand
and predict particle, momentum, and energy confinement in the plasma core region through a
combination of experimental and theoretical studies (the leaders are Edward Doyle and John
Rice). This month's research highlight from John Rice and colleagues describes their recent work
to understand the causes and consequences of toroidal rotation in tokamaks.
Observations of Toroidal Rotation Drive without External Momentum Input
John Rice, Yijun Lin, Matthew Reinke, Y. Podpaly, Steve Wukitch, G. Wallace, and R. Parker (MIT)
Toroidal and poloidal flows and gradients are beneficial in confined plasmas
USBPO eNews, May 19, 2010, Issue 44 Page 3 of 11
because they can suppress instabilities across a range of scales, reducing plasma
turbulence and transport, and allowing higher plasma pressures to be obtained. In most
tokamak experiments, toroidal plasma flow is driven by externally injected neutral
beams, though in some cases, flow can also appear spontaneously without direct
momentum input. However, in reactor scale devices like ITER, the neutral beams wil
likely not be adequate to drive sufficient plasma flow to suppress turbulence.
Experiments at Alcator C-Mod are focusing on intrinsic rotation and radio frequency
wave driven flow.
A new imaging x-ray spectrometer has allowed unprecedented measurement of
toroidal rotation. The spontaneous/intrinsic rotation in enhanced confinement plasmas is
mainly aligned with the current, and has a
relatively simple parameter dependence, with the
magnitude of the core velocity proportional to the
stored energy normalized to the plasma current.
The co-current rotation is observed to propagate
in towards the center from the plasma edge
following the transition to the high confinement
mode (H-mode) of operation, on a time scale
similar to the energy confinement time. The
profile shapes range from relatively flat to
centrally peaked, which in the latter case is
indicative of the presence of an inward
momentum convection or pinch. An example of a
velocity profile exhibiting peaking due to an
inward co-current pinch is shown in Fig. 1. The
velocity gradient region is typically in the outer
2/3 of the plasma radial profile.
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Fig. 1. Recent x-ray spectrometer data of
the radial profile of toroidal velocity in
C-Mod during high and low confinement
mode operation. |
Intrinsic plasma rotation, however, is not well understood and does not allow simple external control. Therefore, tokamak researchers around the world have been pursuing other means to drive plasma flow, particularly via externally launched rf waves. At the C-Mod tokamak, it has been demonstrated for the first time that significant toroidal and poloidal plasma flow can be driven by radio frequency (rf) waves. In the experiments, waves with a frequency of 50 MHz are launched into plasmas consisting of deuterium and helium-3 (3He), and a magnetic field of ~5.1 Tesla. The rf wave undergoes a process called “mode conversion” inside the plasma. During the mode conversion process, the launched rf wave slows down, the wavelength becomes shorter, and the wave is converted from the launched fast wave into a pair of slow waves, the so called ion cyclotron wave and ion Bernstein wave. When the amount of the helium-3 ions is at an optimal level, these shorter wavelength wave modes can interact with the plasma ions and generate plasma flow, dubbed mode conversion flow drive (MCFD). Using this method, rotation velocities up to 100 km/s have been generated, also in the same direction as the plasma current. Shown in Fig. 2 is a comparison of the MCFD results withthe intrinsic rotation scaling. Unlike the intrinsic rotation that depends on underlying transport mechanisms and plasma performance, MCFD has several external control knobs for manipulating the rotation level. The rotation can be regulated by plasma parameters such as the magnetic field, 3He concentration, electron density and plasma current, in addition to rf properties such as the power level, frequency and wave phase.
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Fig. 2. Increase in peak toroidal velocity versus stored-energy/plasma-current for Mode Conversion Flow Drive (purple) and intrinsic rotation (red) without MCFD. |
Fig. 3. Radial profile of toroidal velocity
in C-Mod during LHCD (red) compared
to the profile in the low confinement
mode without LHCD. |
Another method for rf flow drive is to utilize higher frequency waves (4.6 GHz, lower
hybrid current drive, LHCD) which couple to high energy electrons. These waves have
been found to generate substantial rotation in the opposite direction, counter to the
plasma current. Shown in Fig. 3 is a rotation velocity profile which is strongly peaked in
the counter-current direction, produced using these microwaves. It turns out that these
higher frequency waves, which generate counter-current rotation, can be used in
conjunction with the lower frequency waves, which drive co-current rotation, in order to
produce complicated rotation velocity profiles which are hollow in the core. This may
turn out to be a useful tool for regulating transport.
Summary of the April ITER TBM Workshop
Erol Oktay (OFES)
The Workshop on ‘TBM Impact on ITER Plasma Physics and Potential Countermeasures'
was held in Cadarache, France on April 13-15, 2010. The meeting was organized by the ITER
organization (IO) to assess the impact of Test Blanket Modules (TBMs) on ITER physics
operations and to consider countermeasures. The primary impact is due to the magnetic ripple
introduced by TBM massive ferromagnetic structures, and the potential available
countermeasures include a reduction of ferromagnetic mass, increasing the recession of TBM
from the plasma, and using correction coils. About 45 representatives participated from the IO,
TBM teams, international plasma physics community, India Domestic Agency, TBM Program Committee (PC), and the ITER Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC). This
workshop provided a very productive JOINT discussion between the fusion scientists and TBM
experts for the first time on this complicated and important issue.
Three sets of experimental results were discussed during the physics session. These
results were from the past ripple experiments on JET and JT-60U, and the recently completed
DIII-D ‘ITER TBM Mock-up’ experiment conducted by an international team led by General
Atomics. The DIII-D experiment, which was requested by the IO, was designed specifically to
address the impact of ripple on plasma performance so that the IO can provide guidance to the
TBM teams on their design of TBMs. All of these past and present ripple experiments were
discussed extensively at the workshop with the following basic conclusion: The impact of ripple
is negligible in low performance and low pressure (beta) plasmas; however the plasma
performance is degraded in high beta plasmas as the ripple increases, potentially jeopardizing
the first priority ITER mission, which is to achieve fusion gain Q~10 plasmas. These
experiments also show that ripple impacts plasma rotation, density pump out, and fast particles.
The ripple theory and modeling are not mature, and the predictive capability is lacking to
quantify the impact of these issues on ITER performance.
In order to mitigate the ripple issue, the TBM teams have been evaluating the impact of
ferromagnetic mass reduction and TBM recession on their technical objectives. Each team
presented their findings on the second day, as well as a conceptual design of correction coils. A
general conclusion from most of the TBM teams is that a reduction in the TBM ferromagnetic
mass would jeopardize their technical objectives. Increasing the recess of TBMs from the
plasma surface would help some, but its impact on neutron flux on TBMs and shielding of
toroidal field coils need to be assessed.
In the final session, the results from these two sessions were further discussed to develop a
set of workshop consensus, recommendations, and action items. An initial consideration is to
deploy TBMs on ITER with the first plasma until the beginning of Q=10 campaign with high beta
plasmas. If experiments during the early period indicate that TBM ripple would jeopardize the
Q=10 mission, the TBMs would be replaced by stainless steel ‘dummy’ TBMs. The implication
of this scenario needs to be evaluated in the context of the ITER Research Plan. The workshop
recommended a continuation of the DIII-D experiments in order to study further plasma rotation
and lock-mode issues in higher beta plasmas, and a repeat of these experiments on JET in
order to investigate the impact of periodic toroidal coil ripple with the local TBM ripple on the
same device.
Status of Fusion Energy Sciences' Joint Facilities Research Target 2010 on Thermal Transport in the Scrape-off Layer
Rajesh Maingi (ORNL/NSTX/Coordinator), Brian LaBombard and Jim Terry (MIT/C-Mod), Charles Lasnier (LLNL/DIII-D), and
the 2010 JRT Team
Beginning in 2008, the DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences asked the three major domestic fusion facilities Alcator C-Mod, DIII-D, and NSTX to coordinate a yearly set of common experiments aimed at critical scientific questions that impact the extrapolability of results from present day devices, especially toward ITER. These specially focused experiments have become known as Joint Research Targets (JRT). For FY 2010, the JRT focuses on scrape-off layer transport, with the following wording:
“Conduct experiments on major fusion facilities to improve understanding of the heat transport in the tokamak scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma, strengthening the basis for projecting divertor conditions in ITER. The divertor heat flux profiles and plasma characteristics in the tokamak scrape-off layer will be measured in multiple devices to investigate the underlying thermal transport processes. The USBPO eNews, May 19, 2010, Issue 44 Page 6 of 11 unique characteristics of C-Mod, DIII-D, and NSTX will enable collection of data over a broad range of SOL and divertor parameters (e.g., normalized collisionality n*, ratio of thermal to magnetic pressures b, parallel heat flux q|| along the magnetic field, and divertor geometry). Coordinated experiments using common analysis methods will generate a data set that will be compared with theory and simulation.” |
In preparation for these experiments, all three devices commissioned and/or upgraded new diagnostics to measure the divertor heat flux with sufficient time eesolution to separate steady and transient power loadings. The principal focus of the research plan at each facility is to obtain an accurate set of divertor heat flux and plasma boundary layer profile measurements over the (wide) available range of externally controlled engineering parameters. Of particular interest is the dependence of the heat flux width on plasma current, heating power, magnetic field, and device size. Previous experiments have shown that the divertor heat flux footprint narrows with plasma current, and depends only weakly on toroidal magnetic field and heating power when the scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma outside the magnetic separatrix is in either the high particle recycling regime or the sheath-limited heat transport regime. The new experiments are aimed at confirming and extending those previous results for each regime. Divertor target heat flux data is being analyzed using 2-D thermal analysis tools that compute surface heat flux from calibrated measurements of the increase in surface temperature. It is important to note that C-Mod operates with refractory metal divertor targets (Mo and W) in a “closed” divertor shape with a near vertical outer target. The DIII-D and NSTX divertors are operated in “open” geometries. The DIII-D targets are horizontal ATJ graphite tiles, while the NSTX targets are horizontal lithium-coated ATJ graphite tiles. Additionally, the Liquid Lithium Divertor (LLD) has just been installed in NSTX, so that part of its divertor target is now liquid Li. While the differences in the three machines’ divertor geometries and materials may not affect the parallel heat conduction physics, they could affect the details of how the divertor heat flux is “mapped” to the midplane, as well as the divertor detachment physics and the complexity of the IR emission measurements.
In addition, a set of coordinated experiments among the three facilities is planned. These latter experiments will allow the individual data sets to be joined together and compared directly over parameter ranges in which they overlap. These coordinated experiments are based on matching plasma physics dimensionless quantities n*, b, and normalized ion gyroradius r* in the plasma edge region. A true identity experiment also matches scaled shapes of the magnetic equilibrium (poloidal flux-surfaces), e.g., elongation k, triangularity d, edge safety factor q95, and inverse aspect ratio e=a/R, where a and R are the minor and major radii, respectively. A true identity experiment between C-Mod and DIII-D was planned since the aspect ratio can be matched, as achieved previously in a so-called pedestal similarity experiment [D.A. Mossessian, et al., Phys. Plasma 10 (2003) 689]. The basic idea is to match these dimensionless parameters at the magnetic separatrix, and possibly at the top of the pedestal (several centimeters inside the separatrix), to determine if the SOL profiles and scale lengths also match. Then scans about these points allow for dimensionless parameters scans within each machine. Although NSTX has a different aspect ratio, it will contribute to these coordinated experiments in the next few months by running the same poloidal cross-section, i.e., an aspect ratio scan. Presently, the C-Mod and DIII-D portion of this experiment was carried out, and those data are being analyzed.
Theory and modeling of some of the key transport issues affecting the heat flux widths are being carried out in close concert with the experimental measurements. This includes turbulence simulations, neoclassical transport modeling, and fluid transport modeling of varying complexity. Presentations about these on-going efforts were made at the April meetings of the Edge Coordination Committee and the US Transport Task Force in Annapolis, MD. A number of papers on the theory and experimental efforts will also be presented at the upcoming 19th International Plasma-Surface Interactions Conference on May 24-29, 2010 in San Diego.
The first two quarterly status reports for the 2010 JRT are available at the DOE OFES website as as well as JRT reports from previous years. Following the completion of this JRT at the end of FY10, final summary of the results will appear in eNews.
Summary Report of the Meeting of the ITPA Topical Group on Transport and Confinement at Culham, UK
Stan Kaye (PPPL)
The fourth meeting of the ITPA Transport and Confinement Topical Group was held in Culham Laboratory, UK, on March 22-25, 2010. In attendance were approximately 40 participants from the US, EU, Japan, Korea, Russia and the IO. There were a number of remote participants and presentations as well. Topics covered during the meeting were: rotation and momentum transport, impurity transport, Internal Transport Barrier (ITB) physics, physics model validation, and the Joint Expt TC-2 (hysteresis and access to high-confinement regimes with confinement factor of H~1). Results and discussion for these topics are summarized in the paragraphs below.
Rotation and momentum transport: This session focused on two topics: intrinsic rotation and momentum transport. Intrinsic rotation studies on ASDEX-U were carried out using electron cyclotron heating (ECH), finding counter-current rotation peaking with central deposition. With ion cyclotron radio frequency (ICRF) heating on JET, counter-current rotation was also observed, but did not exhibit scaling with plasma pressures observed in other devices. Tore-Supra adjusted the edge magnetic ripple and found that the resulting ion loss led also to counter-current rotation, and that subsequent ICRF or lower hybrid (LH) heating changed the rotation only in the core. There were questions raised as to whether it was valid to identify the rotation as “intrinsic,” in light of torque due to particle loss with RF heating. There were additional presentations on observations of intrinsic rotation in CSDX, potential fluctuations in TJ-II, drag due to ion-neutral collisions, and reports on Joint Experiments. The Momentum Transport presentations discussed the determination and scaling of momentum diffusivity and inward pinch derived from results on a number of devices, specifically in joint experiments on NSTX, DIII-D and JET, each of which performed collisionality scans to determine the relation between particle and momentum radial transport coefficients. The data indicate weak relation between c/v, the ratio of momentum diffusivity to pinch, with collisionality on DIII-D and NSTX, and the JET results showed that the particle and momentum pinches have an opposite dependence on collisionality. There was a discussion of the momentum database as well as on the methodology to determine the momentum transport coefficients.
Core Impurity Transport: This session reviewed and compared recent and past observations in the different devices with particular emphasis on He transport. The aim was to identify common generic features that have to be understood and predicted by theoretical modeling. Modeling of turbulent impurity transport indicate that turbulent convection can reverse direction depending on the type of turbulence, and that a total convection directed outwards is usually difficult to obtain in simulations of plasma conditions at which it is observed, particularly for impurities like B or C. He transport was determined in DIII-D, and the diffusivity was found to be gyroBohm-like in the core, but Bohm-like farther out in radius, similar to the results for the thermal diffusivity. Particle diffusivities of impurities in JET are always significantly higher than the neoclassical level, while convection velocities are near neoclassical levels in the core in H-mode plasmas. This level of the diffusivity is consistent with results from C-Mod, which also indicate even greater impurity diffusivities during the low (L) and intermediate (I) confinement modes. Results from Tore-Supra also indicate larger than neoclassical impurity diffusion and that the impurity transport is dominated by electron drift wave turbulence in the core of the plasma. In the outer half of the plasma, the transport is dominated by ion turbulence. In contrast, in the low aspect ratio NSTX device, the impurity transport appears to be consistent with neoclassical theory, including the impact of rotation on neoclassical transport.
Internal Transport Barriers (ITB): The session was divided into electron and ion ITB presentations. Electron ITBs in NSTX require strong negative magnetic shear to form; the negative shear leads to a reduction in turbulence identified as electron temperature-gradient (ETG) modes and its associated transport. The development of electron ITBs in MAST and JET are also associated with strong negative shear. Electron density ITBs in TCV, JET and JET60-U are associated with electron temperature ITBs, and are also seen when the magnetic shear is strongly negative. Work was presented on mechanisms giving rise to “canonical” pressure and rotation profiles. Ion ITB formation in C-Mod is very sensitive to both magnetic field and ICRF resonance location, with significant ExB shear measured at the ITB foot location. JET also reported the importance of strong ExB shear for an ion ITB Advance Tokamak (AT) scenario. Also reported from JET was the reduction of ion profile stiffness with high rotation gradient and low magnetic shear, and it was suggested to re-examine the common ExB quenching rule with an alternative version of this rule based on Resistive Ballooning, which is found to be more consistent with JET results. LHD plasmas showed both a reduction of ion-scale turbulence and thermal conductivity inside the ITB, consistent with gyrokinetic predictions of ion temperature-gradient (ITG) mode stabilization in this region.
Transport Model Validation: This was the first meeting of those involved in this designated ITPA Joint Activity. Presentations showed quite clearly that standard, published models fail to reproduce the evolution of the full Te profile, and, thus, time evolution of the internal inductance, li, (critical for ITER) during the ramp-up phases of both ITER-Demo-like discharges as well as standard discharges. The reason for this is primarily the lack of agreement in the outer region of the plasma, which is where the current profile has the biggest impact on li. Only with ad-hoc modifications of these models can agreement be achieved, but these modifications leave little confidence for extrapolation. The group will move forward in a two-pronged effort. It was found that Te profiles in the outer region of the plasma are essentially linearly decreasing as a function of poloidal flux for ITER-Demo discharges from a range of devices, and these can be used as a basis to probe heating and confinement requirements needed to achieve ITER target profiles. Longer-range plans include the detailed testing of both published models and more first-principles, gyrokinetic calculations. High-Confinement Regimes with H~1: These regimes arise shortly after the L-H transition. Various experiments reported on these results, and it was clear that no specific recipe for obtaining this confinement regime, without Type I edge-localized modes (ELMs), exists. Several presentations were given on the I-mode, which has H-mode like energy confinement (0.8-1xH), but L-mode like particle confinement, and, therefore, no ELMs. The I-mode can be obtained only at high power in, so far, a counter-injection plasma; these powers are higher than those required for transition into the H-mode with co-injection, making the I-mode presently not relevant for reactor scenarios. It was felt that there is much physics to be learned from the I-mode, specifically in its subsequent transition to the H-mode and possibly as the first step in the L-H transition process. The next meeting of the ITPA Transport and Confinement group will be held following the IAEA FEC in October in South Korea.
Submit BPO-related announcements for next month’s eNews to Tom Rognlien at trognlien at
Upcoming Burning Plasma Events
Click here to visit a list of previously concluded events.
2010 Events |
April 19-21 |
April 20-23 Integrated Operational Scenarios ITPA Meeting Princeton, New Jersey USA |
April 21-23 ITPA Pedestal and Edge Physics Topical Group Meeting Naka, Japan |
April 26-28 ITPA Energetic Particles Group Meeting Garching, Germany |
May 10-14 18th ITPA Diagnostics Topical Group Meeting (before HTPD) Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA |
May 16-20 18th HTPD Topical Group Meetings Wildwood, New Jersey USA |
May 19-21 STAC-8 Cadarache, France |
May 24-28 19th International Plasma Surface Interactions Conference (abstracts due Nov. 20) San Diego, California, USA |
May 31-June 4 4th ITER International Summer School (abstracts due April 30) Austin, Texas USA |
June 20-24 37th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICPOS 2010) (abstract submission extended to Jan. 23) Norfolk, Virginia USA |
June 21-25 37th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (abstracts due Feb. 27) Dublin, Ireland |
June 28-29 ITPA Coordinating Committee Meeting Cadarache, France |
Aug 30-Sept 3 Theory of Fusion Plasmas Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop (abstracts due June 18) Varenna, Italy |
Sept 27-Oct 1 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2010) Porto, Portugal |
Oct 11-16 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (U.S. synopsis due Feb. 8) Daejeon, Korea |
Week of Oct 18-20 ITPA Energetic Particles Topical Group Meeting (in conjunction with IAEA FEC) S. Korea |
Week of Oct 18-20 ITPA Transport and Confinement Topical Group Meeting (in conjunction with IAEA FEC) S. Korea |
Week of Oct 18-21 ITPA Divertor and SOL Topical Group Meeting (in conjunction with IAEA FEC) S. Korea |
Week of Oct 18-21 ITPA Integrated Operation Scenarios Topical Group Meeting (in conjunction with IAEA FEC) S. Korea |
Week of Oct 18-21 ITPA MHD Topical Group Meeting (in conjunction with IAEA FEC) S. Korea |
Week of Oct 18-21 ITPA Pedestal and Edge Physics Meeting (in conjunction with IAEA FEC) S. Korea |
Week of Oct 18-22 ITPA Diagnostics Topical Group Meeting (in conjunction with IAEA FEC) Japan |
Week of Oct 18-22 ITPA Pedestal and Edge Physics Topical Group Meeting (in conjunction with IAEA FEC) S. Korea |
Oct 24-29 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology Nara, Japan |
Nov 7-11 19th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE 2010) (embedded with 2010 ANS Winter Meeting) Las Vegas, Nevada USA |
Dec 15 IEA-ITPA Joint Experiments Planning Meeting Videoconference |
2011 Events |
Spring ITPA Transport & Confinement Topical Group Meeting (following US/EU TIF) San Diego, California USA |
Click here to visit a Directory of Other Plasma Events
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