Thrust 15 ChitID 15.001 Dennis Youchison 6/09/2009 15:53 Thrust 15 This is an important thrust for the advancement of engineering science! One of the major impediments is the dis-similar and proprietary file formats that limit the interoperability of design codes. Can this issue be addressed by the US government and/or international standards organizations in a timely manner? Is there a strategy on how to standardize on file/data formats? ChitID 15.002 Rob Goldston 6/09/2009 15:59 Thrust 15 It seems to me that the DT machines we are discussing are designed in order to make ourselves happy. We want to make lots of tritiium. We want to show that the bootstrap current profile is consistent with alpha heating. But everyone outside of this room only wants electricity from us. It seems to me that we should consider extending the requirement for a CTF (whether an ST, AT or CS) to include net electricity production. This means that Q_eng needs to be somewhat greater than unity, say 1.3, so that 100 MWe would be put on the grid, perhaps with 30% duty factor. ChitID 15.003 Sam Cohen 6/10/2009 13:18 Thrust 15 Consider the following RAMI issue: Say a 1st generation fusion reactor has an availabilituy of 50%. That is bad, if the plant is 2 GWe and provides all of a city's electrical power. BUT, if there are 1000 2 MWe plants ( advanced fuel FRCs naturally) then the 50% availability, though bad might be tolerable, both because not all the power is gone (at any one time) and because repairs can be made quicker on the smaller cleaner plants.