Thrust 01 ChitID 01.001 CS Chang 6/08/2009 09:24 Thrust 01 On the rotation (p. 11?), you may want to generalize the "rotation driven by ICRF mode conversion" to "rotation driven by ICRF." The statement is too narrow. Rotation can be driven by ICRH only. ChitID 01.002 Richard Buttery 6/08/2009 09:41 Thrust 01 Need to give some indication of which things US in particular should focus on (rather than leave to other partners) ChitID 01.003 Richard Callis 6/08/2009 15:38 Thrust 01 The validation of integrated modeling may need the measurement of plasma parameters at a 2D or even 3D level. Some discussion should be included for this effort. This does not need to be a burning plasma relevent diagnostic but something to support the base plasma physics understanding. ChitID 01.004 Richard Callis 6/08/2009 15:41 Thrust 01 It was briefly mentioned about sensors, but engineering sensors (not physics diagnostics) are a real challenge for burning plasma devices beyond ITER and should not be overlooked. ChitID 01.005 Rob Goldston 6/08/2009 15:42 Thrust 01 This thrust would be somewhat more compelling if there were a preliminary prioritized list of diagnostics in the thrust, perhaps just a few for now, as a step along the path of your plan to evaluate and then prioritize. ChitID 01.006 Neil Morley 6/08/2009 15:42 Thrust 01 Thrust 13 also contains some mention of development of engineering diagnostics for PFC, blankets, etc compatible with the fusion environment.Even if these are developed separately from various magnetic and plasma diagnostics, certainly the various techniques for neutron irradiation effects in materials, signal transmission, etc. could be common elements and should be noted. Also, do you envision using a facility like an CTF that is doing various steady state, technology testing to moderate fluence, also as a test environment for diagnostics? I think this should be mentioned too. Thanks... ChitID 01.007 Richard Hawryluk 6/08/2009 15:43 Thrust 01 Make sure that the thrust highlights that investments in diagnostics have a high scientific benefit to cost ratio. ChitID 01.008 Martin Peng 6/08/2009 15:43 Thrust 01 What is the assumed working relationship between the research thrust and the ITER diagnostic plan? What are planned in ITER? What are missing in your view. What are the priorities in addition to what ITER Project is planning? ChitID 01.009 Tony Taylor 6/08/2009 15:45 Thrust 01 Topic "combined" thrust You indicated this was a combined thrust from Theme 1 and Theme II. The presentation seemed focused on ITER. Are there not requirements and therefore efforts needed to address measurements under the constraints of higher neutron flux? ChitID 01.010 Earl Marmar 6/08/2009 15:47 Thrust 01 As part of the prioritization and subsequent development of new/improved diagnostics, it will be important to coordinate efforts with those of other parties (Europe, Japan and Australia, for example) to avoid redundant efforts. ChitID 01.011 Bill Dorland 6/08/2009 15:49 Thrust 01 Given certain constraints on time, money and real estate for new diagnostics, the prioritization process described in this thrust will be most successful if it is strongly coupled to the theory, simulation and validation elements of Thrust 6. ChitID 01.012 Martin Peng 6/08/2009 16:45 Thrust 01 About disruptions, in the summary and in the presentation on thrust 2, the proposed actions do an excellent job on controlling instabilities that cause disruptions and mitigating the impact in case of disruptions. However, it is relative light in describing the research needed to avoid disruptions in the first place, or to avoid them to the level that ensures reliable plasma and machine operations, in ITER and other prospective fusion devices. Such research could include studies and identification of relatively stable plasmas which have been shown to only have slow plasma instabilities that are readily controlled. Further, in the absence of control, only relatively gentle disruptions would occur that are readily subject to mitigation. Such research, together with that on the well-described instability control, would map out the knowledge for the continuum from "disruption-prone" to "disruption-free", needed to design Demo to manage disruptions with confidence. ChitID 01.013 Tom Rognlien 6/08/2009 16:52 Thrust 01 Dave, In the Thrust 1 presentation today, you noted a connection to various other Thrusts toward the end. However, these were limited to the first 6 Thrust, whereas diagnostics are spread through many others. For example, Thrust 9 on the "Boundary Plasma" has an important diagnostic-needs component that I will mention tomorrow. In the final document, it will be useful to connect to other relevant Thrust needs. -Tom ChitID 01.014 CS Chang 6/09/2009 09:26 Thrust 01 It seems to me that emphasis on the self-consistent study between the waves driven by, and sitting on, the energetic particles and their self-organizing interaction with the background plasma equilibrium and turbulence could be upgraded. This issue is not easy to handle at the moment, but should become important as we think about ITER and DEMO. ChitID 01.015 Amanda Hubbard 6/10/2009 07:51 Thrust 01 Dave, A belated comment. I like the thrust and its expression. But I must say that in the presentation, and more importantly in the Thrust writeup, the balance between Themes I and II is significantly skewed to Theme I and ITER. All should realize that this Thrust is joint between Themes I and II, in fact it was originally proposed by Theme II at the GA workshop, but we suggested that it would be sensible to broaden to include Theme I given the commonality of issues. This means not only meeting ITER's needs, but preparing to meet the harder challenge of fusion reactors. I do not argue with ITER being a priority, but not the only one. Jim Terry wrote a very clear and compelling summary of the additional needs for the Theme II chapter,a. I suggest more of this flavour and content be incorporated into the Thrust writeup - in particular the Introduction and Actions. Just visually, seeing ITER in nearly every sentence of the chapter (at least six per paragraph) seems like ove ChitID 01.016 tom intrator 6/10/2009 14:44 Thrust 01 there is no mention of diagnostic or measurement needs for the Innovative confinement concepts, or alternate concept devices. there may be some differences for example smaller magnetic field, or much larger magnetic field in compression schemes, larger beta, non tokamak geometry for access. Many clever plasma diagnostics have been conceived and developed on small plasma machines, and later advanced in sophistication to the point where they were fielded on large facilities (eg reflectometry, two color interferometers, electrostatic probes for edge diagnostics, microwave and visible scattering for fluctuations).