Thrust 09 09.001 CALLIS RICHARD 6/09/2009 11:08 Thrust 09 All electromagnetic waves used to heat and drive current in the plasam, must traverse throught the SOL. This thrust only covered the ICRF range of frequencies. The thrust should be expanded to cover the frequencies of Lower Hybrid 4 - 9 Ghz and ECH 150 -250 GHz. In these areas there are issues of wave=plasma coupling,deposits on mirrors and launchers, power handeling issues, etc. 09.002 Chan Vincent 6/09/2009 11:34 Thrust 09 A promising control of the edge pedestal performance is the use of strong shaping. It can potentially improve the stability of the edge MHD modes thereby allowing high pedestal compatible with small ELMs or ELM-free operation. This mechanism can be tested in existing facilities with dedicated experiments. I note that this was missing in the summary presentation. 09.003 Jarboe Tom 6/09/2009 13:56 Thrust 09 Present modeling seems to be broken up into four regions: PMI, edge, pedestal, and Core. These regions all provide boundary conditions for their neighbors. Since boundary conditions are so important we need self-consisent boundary conditions. This will only be achieved by integrating the modeling of all four regions. We need to do a whole experiment model with PMI BC calculated self-consistantly. 09.004 Allain Jean-Paul 6/09/2009 16:28 Thrust 09 Current materials surface response codes are challenged by predicting a strongly-coupled interface boundary with the plasma. These codes are limited to mostly Monte Carlo BCA(binary collision approx.)-techniques that only partially predict the materials evolution induced by its coupling with plasma. For example, none of the current materials surface codes can predict the morphology materials mixing evolution evidenced in PISCES-B studies. There should be a more explicit need articulated in this thrust for development and more frequent use of atomistic simulation tools (e.g. MD, AMD, QMD, ab-initio, etc...) in the context of materials surface evolution under plasma exposure. This development is non-trivial and will require significant resources. This effort is critical since the material surface response remains a boundary condition to erosion/re-deposition codes discussed in this thrust. 09.005 Brower David 6/10/2009 09:33 Thrust 09 One of the proposed action items for THRUST 9 is to Develop and Deploy New Diagnostics. However, when reading the words expanding on this proposal in the the 6 page thrust description, it only requests more extensive sets of existing diagnostics; (1) various types of mechanical probes, (2) Thomdson scattering, and (3) spectroscopy and the manpower to operate them. The thrust may be better served by identifying the plasma parameters that need to be measured and the resolution required but not specifying the technique to make these measurements. This would leave the thrust open to new diagnostic ideas and measurement innovation. 09.006 Brower David 6/10/2009 09:41 Thrust 09 One of the proposed action items for THRUST 9 is to Develop and Deploy New Diagnostics. However, when reading the words expanding on this proposal in the the 6 page thrust description, it only requests more extensive sets of existing diagnostics; (1) various types of mechanical probes, (2) Thomdson scattering, and (3) spectroscopy and the manpower to operate them. The thrust may be better served by identifying the plasma parameters that need to be measured and the resolution required but not specifying the technique to make these measurements. This would leave the thrust open to new diagnostic ideas and measurement innovation.