Thrust 08 08.001 hill david 6/09/2009 10:05 Thrust 08 The core-edge coupling part of this thrust seems to overlap nearly completely with thrust 12. The combination of these two thrusts seems to imply that two separate experiments are needed, both with high confinement neutron-producing cores (either by short pulse DT or longer pulse DD operation) and appropriate PFCs. Is this what we mean? 08.002 Marmar Earl 6/09/2009 10:23 Thrust 08 What is the expected schedule for construction and operation of the proposed US D-T facility relative to that of ITER? Does this machine operate operate in parallel with ITER, or after substantial D-T experience on ITER? 08.003 Goldston Rob 6/09/2009 11:16 Thrust 08 The full set of upgradabilities that you have listed are greater in every respect than those of the original ITER, which itself cost twice what the present ITER costs. While we are not discussing price in detail, we need to have a sense of what you are talking about here. You need to present at least a cartoon idea of what you are talking about to make this worthy of consideration. What magnet technology are you discussing? What HH factors are you assuming to achieve your goals? What are you assuming about insulator lifetime (FIRE was already beyond the known limits)? What kind of PFC technology are you considering that could support this mission? Making a fog of options is not adequate for consideration. You need to show the scale/scope of at least one compelling concept that could be upgraded to all of these other missions. 08.004 Ji Hantao 6/09/2009 13:35 Thrust 08 "Self-heated plasma" and "strongly-coupled plasma" are used interchangably. I suggest to use "self-heated plasma" only since "strongly-coupled plasma" is being used elsewhere to describe different kinds of plasmas. 08.005 Hawryuk Richard 6/09/2009 22:05 Thrust 08 For their steady state, ITER operates at betan ~3, which is above the no-wall limit according to the RWM studies that were performed. 08.006 Zarnstorff Michael 6/10/2009 13:37 Thrust 08 It doesn't seem to be in a chit, but the Thrust write-ups need to indicate the interconnection and dependencies on other thrusts. For Thrust 8, it seems to me that there is a dependence on the results from Thrust 5, 17, 12(?), and 16(?). There may be others, since Thrust 8 is a penultimate integration. 08.007 McKee George 6/11/2009 09:59 Thrust 08 The mission initially presented for Thrust 8 (specifically, section 1B) offered a compelling vision that would achieve not only the Thrust 8 goals, but also embrace the objectives of several thrusts from ReNeW. Unfortunately, I couldn't attend the breakout meeting due to obligations to other thrusts, but the results of that discussion seem to have downgraded the original mission. I would simply encourage this thrust to revert to the original, ambitious goals of pursuing an integrated approach to the complex core-edge coupling problem via a long-pulse DT experiment.