Thrust 07 07.001 CALLIS RICHARD 6/09/2009 09:38 Thrust 07 This thrust does not cover the issues in regards to the 3D coils that may need to be inside the vacuum vessel to control VDEs, ELMs and RWMs. These coils have severe radiation requirements as well as challenging cooling needs. Everything has to be compatible with remote naintenance requirements. 07.002 Callis Richard 6/09/2009 09:44 Thrust 07 Is there an issues in using ceramic insulation material, with the ceramic material losing it's insulating properties under neutron fluence. Does sample testing need to be performed? 07.003 Sawan Mohamed 6/09/2009 16:37 Thrust 07 Superconductors (e.g. Nb3Sn) are limited to ~1e19 n/cm2 fast neutron fluence due to degradation in Jc. At this level, the absorbed dose in organic insulators is ~1e10 Rads which is the limit for cyanate ester/plyimides. How high a fluence can HT SC take? It is important to develop superconductors that can tolerate higher fluences otherwise developing more radiation resistant organic insulators or ceramic insulators will be useless or not needed. 07.004 El-Guebaly Laila 6/10/2009 09:16 Thrust 07 What is the present (and future) cost of HTS magnets?