Thrust 03 03.001 Hill David 6/08/2009 16:34 Thrust 03 validation of models doesn't seem to count on data from present experiments at a level consistent with ongoing efforts. seems to focus on theory + diagnostic development, awaiting testing in a burning plasma. 03.002 Hawryluk Richard 6/08/2009 16:37 Thrust 03 Beta_alpha of 1-3% sounds high, since beta in ITER is 2-3%. How is beta_alpha defined? 03.003 Zarnstorff Michael 6/08/2009 16:44 Thrust 03 In your figure of Vfast/VAlfven vs rho*-fast, where does the JT-60U data lie? With their NNBI, I would have thought they would have a higher Vfast/VAlfven than shown for the large tokamaks. 03.004 Hubbard Amanda 6/08/2009 16:45 Thrust 03 Please be sure that the impact of fast ion loss events on the first wall is considered, and appropriate activities to assess and mitigate highlighted. Didn't come through clearly in the talk, and it is explicitly not included in Thrust 2. 03.005 Meade Dale 6/08/2009 16:55 Thrust 03 As I recall calculations by Gorelenkov et al in 2004 showed that TAE stability in ITER was strongly affected by fast ions from NB injection. In a Demo-like plasma (Hi Palpha/Pext) externally supplied fast ions will be absent. I suggest that this thrust discuss this limitation on the ability of ITER to fully resolve alpha-driven TAE-like instabilities. 03.006 Chan Vincent 6/08/2009 17:11 Thrust 03 In a burning plasma, the strong alpha heating will result in very high background D and T temperatures. This should have a stabilizing effect on Alfven instabilities due to the strong ion Landau damping. This effect cannot be studied on existing facilities with NBI or ICRH created fast ions. However, it may be simulated using strong ECRH in a high density plasma where electrons and ions are equilibrated with isotropic distributions. 03.007 Ji Hantao 6/09/2009 09:31 Thrust 03 I found that most activity described in this thrust is duplicated in Thrust #8. In fact, the main activity of #8 depends on the outcome of this thrust. I think we should seriously consider to combine these two thrusts in a more coherent and coordinated thrust. 03.008 Buttery Richard 6/09/2009 15:45 Thrust 03 This needs a clear experiment programme highlighting. Also consider merging as subset of thrust 8 as facilities to address this physics are the same as those specified in 8. 03.009 Cohen Sam 6/10/2009 14:25 Thrust 03 This thrust focussed exclusively on alphas in tokamaks. The ICC devices may have much different effects from a fast alpha population. For example , half the alphas formed in FRCs will likely be lost through the (p_phi > 0) loss cone. The remaining will comprise/drive a current and a radial potential will develop. What effect will these have on stability and confiment? Will TAE modes exist in a device that has no toroidal field? There are no banana orbits in FRCs. How does this affect alpha losses and instabilities? 03.010 Chang CS 6/10/2009 14:43 Thrust 03 This chit was originally sent to thrust 1 at 9:30 on 6/9/09. Redirected to thrust 3 (Hooks) It seems to me that emphasis on the self-consistent study between the waves driven by, and sitting on, the energetic particles and their self-organizing interaction with the background plasma equilibrium and turbulence could be upgraded. This issue is not easy to handle at the moment, but should become important as we think about ITER and DEMO.