Who's in the USBPO

Topical Groups, 2019-2020

Topical GroupLeaderInstitution (ldr)Deputy LeaderInstitution (dep)Year
Confinement and TransportWalter GuttenfelderPPPLNathan HowardMIT2020
DiagnosticsMax AustinTexasCalvin DomierUC Davis2020
Integrated ScenariosFrancesca TurcoColumbiaDevon BattagliaPPPL2020
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma PhysicsCarlos Paz-SoldanColumbiaNate FerraroPPPL2020
Modeling and SimulationXueqiao XuLLNLSterling SmithGA2020
Energetic ParticlesCami CollinsGAAaron BaderWisconsin2021
Fusion Engineering ScienceMasa ShimadaINLArnold LumsdaineORNL2021
Operations and ControlDan BoyerPPPLMichael BongardWisconsin2021
Pedestal and Divertor/SOLJerry HughesMITAne Lasa EsquisabelU. Tennessee Knoxville2021
Plasma-Wave InteractionsCornwall LauORNLDavid SmitheTech-X2021

Topical Groups, 2018-2019

Topical GroupLeaderInstitution (ldr)Deputy LeaderInstitution (dep)Year
Confinement and TransportWalter GuttenfelderPPPLNathan HowardMIT2020
DiagnosticsMax AustinTexasCalvin DomierUC Davis2020
Integrated ScenariosFrancesca TurcoColumbiaDevon BattagliaPPPL2020
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma PhysicsCarlos Paz-SoldanGANate FerraroPPPL2020
Modeling and SimulationXueqiao XuLLNLSterling SmithGA2020
Energetic ParticlesEric BassUCSDCami CollinsGA2019
Fusion Engineering ScienceJean Paul AllainIllinoisMasa ShimadaINL2019
Operations and ControlEugenio SchusterLehighDan BoyerPPPL2019
Pedestal and Divertor/SOLJerry HughesMITOliver SchmitzWisconsin2019
Plasma-Wave InteractionsGreg WallaceMITCornwall LauORNL2019

Topical Groups, 2017-2018

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport Saskia Mordijck (William & Mary) Walter Guttenfelder (PPPL)
Diagnostics Max Austin (Texas) Luis Delgado-Aparicio (PPPL)
Energetic Particles Eric Bass (UCSD) Cami Collins (GA)
Fusion Engineering Science Jean Paul Allain (Illinois) Masa Shimada (INL)
Integrated Scenarios Francesca Poli (PPPL) Francesca Turco (Columbia)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Steve Sabbagh (Columbia) Carlos Paz-Soldan (GA)
Modeling and Simulation Lang Lao (GA) Xueqiao Xu (LLNL)
Operations and Control Eugenio Schuster (Lehigh) Dan Boyer (PPPL)
Pedestal and Divertor/SOL Mike Jaworski (PPPL) Jerry Hughes (MIT)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Greg Wallace (MIT) Cornwall Lau (ORNL)

Topical Groups, 2016-2017

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport Saskia Mordijck (William & Mary) Walter Guttenfelder (PPPL)
Diagnostics Max Austin (Texas) Luis Delgado-Aparicio (PPPL)
Energetic Particles Nikolai Gorelenkov (PPPL) Eric Bass (UCSD)
Fusion Engineering Science David Rasmussen (ORNL) Jean Paul Allain (Illinois)
Integrated Scenarios Francesca Poli (PPPL) Francesca Turco (Columbia)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Steve Sabbagh (Columbia) Carlos Paz-Soldan (GA)
Modeling and Simulation Lang Lao (GA) Xueqiao Xu (LLNL)
Operations and Control Jim Irby (MIT) Eugenio Schuster (Lehigh)
Pedestal and Divertor/SOL John Canik (ORNL) Mike Jaworski (PPPL)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Robert Pinsker (GA) Greg Wallace (MIT)

Topical Groups, 2015-2016

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport Gary Staebler (GA) Saskia Mordijck (William & Mary)
Diagnostics Ted Biewer (ORNL) Brent Stratton (PPPL)
Energetic Particles Nikolai Gorelenkov (PPPL) Eric Bass (UCSD)
Fusion Engineering Science David Rasmussen (ORNL) Jean Paul Allain (Illinois)
Integrated Scenarios Chris Holcomb (LLNL) Francesca Poli (PPPL)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Bob Granetz (MIT) Steve Sabbagh (Columbia)
Modeling and Simulation Xianzhu Tang (LANL) Lang Lao (GA)
Operations and Control Jim Irby (MIT) Eugenio Schuster (Lehigh)
Pedestal and Divertor/SOL John Canik (ORNL) Mike Jaworski (PPPL)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Robert Pinsker (GA) Greg Wallace (MIT)

Topical Groups, 2014-2015

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport Gary Staebler (GA) Saskia Mordijck (William & Mary)
Diagnostics Ted Biewer (ORNL) Brent Stratton (PPPL)
Energetic Particles David Pace (GA) Nikolai Gorelenkov (PPPL)
Fusion Engineering Science Russ Doerner (UCSD) David Rasmussen (ORNL)
Integrated Scenarios Chris Holcomb (LLNL) Francesca Poli (PPPL)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Bob Granetz (MIT) Steve Sabbagh (Columbia)
Modeling and Simulation Xianzhu Tang (LANL) Lang Lao (GA)
Operations and Control Egemen Kolemen (PPPL) Jim Irby (MIT)
Pedestal and Divertor/SOL Rajesh Maingi (ORNL) Peter Stangeby (U. Toronto)
Plasma-Wave Interactions David Green (ORNL) Robert Pinsker (GA)

Topical Groups, 2013-2014

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport George McKee (Wisconsin) Gary Staebler (GA)
Diagnostics David Brower (UCLA) Matt Reinke (MIT)
Energetic Particles David Pace (GA) Nikolai Gorelenkov (PPPL)
Fusion Engineering Science Russ Doerner (UCSD) David Rasmussen (ORNL)
Integrated Scenarios Stefan Gerhardt (PPPL) Chris Holcomb (LLNL)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics François Waelbroeck (Texas) Bob Granetz (MIT)
Modeling and Simulation David Mikkelsen (PPPL) Xianzhu Tang (LANL)
Operations and Control Egemen Kolemen (PPPL) Jim Irby (MIT)
Pedestal and Divertor/SOL Rajesh Maingi (PPPL) Peter Stangeby (U Toronto)
Plasma-Wave Interactions David Green (ORNL) Robetr Pinsker (GA)

Topical Groups, 2012-2013

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport George McKee (Wisconsin) Gary Staebler (GA)
Diagnostics David Brower (UCLA) Matt Reinke (MIT)
Energetic Particles Eric Fredrickson (PPPL) David Pace (GA)
Fusion Engineering Science Larry Baylor (ORNL) Russ Doerner (UCSD)
Integrated Scenarios Stefan Gerhardt (PPPL) Chris Holcomb (LLNL)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics François Waelbroeck (Texas) Bob Granetz (MIT)
Modeling and Simulation David Mikkelsen (PPPL) Xianzhu Tang (LANL)
Operations and Control Michael Walker (GA) Egemen Kolemen (PPPL)
Pedestal and Divertor/SOL Tony Leonard (GA) Rajesh Maingi (PPPL)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Gary Taylor (PPPL) David Green (ORNL)

Topical Groups, 2011-2012

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport John Rice (MIT) George McKee (Wisconsin)
Diagnostics Jim Terry (MIT) David Brower (UCLA)
Energetic Particles Eric Fredrickson (PPPL) David Pace (GA)
Fusion Engineering Science Larry Baylor (ORNL) Russ Doerner (UCSD)
Integrated Scenarios John Ferron (GA) Stefan Gerhardt (PPPL)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Ted Strait (GA) François Waelbroeck (Texas)
Modeling and Simulation Dylan Brennan (Tulsa) David Mikkelsen (PPPL)
Operations and Control Michael Walker (GA) Egemen Kolemen (PPPL)
Pedestal and Divertor/SOL Tony Leonard (GA) Rajesh Maingi (ORNL)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Gary Taylor (PPPL) David Green (ORNL)

Topical Groups, 2010-2011

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport John Rice (MIT) George McKee (Wisconsin)
Diagnostics Jim Terry (MIT) David Brower (UCLA)
Energetic Particles Don Spong (ORNL) Eric Fredrickson (PPPL)
Fusion Engineering Science Richard Nygren (SNL) Larry Baylor (ORNL)
Integrated Scenarios John Ferron (GA) Amanda Hubbard (MIT)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Ted Strait (GA) François Waelbroeck (Texas)
Modeling and Simulation Dylan Brennan (Tulsa) David Mikkelsen (PPPL)
Operations and Control David Gates (PPPL) Michael Walker (GA)
Plasma-Boundary Interfaces Tom Rognlien (LLNL) Tony Leonard (GA)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Steve Wukitch (MIT) Gary Taylor (PPPL)

Topical Groups, 2009-2010

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport Edward Doyle (UCLA) John Rice (MIT)
Diagnostics Steve Allen (LLNL) Jim Terry (MIT)
Energetic Particles Don Spong (ORNL) Eric Fredrickson (PPPL)
Fusion Engineering Science Richard Nygren (SNL) Larry Baylor (ORNL)
Integrated Scenarios Chuck Kessel (PPPL) John Ferron (GA)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Chris Hegna (Wisconsin) Ted Strait (GA)
Modeling and Simulation Don Batchelor (ORNL) Dylan Brennan (Tulsa)
Operations and Control David Gates (PPPL) Michael Walker (GA)
Plasma-Boundary Interfaces Tom Rognlien (LLNL) Tony Leonard (GA)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Steve Wukitch (MIT) Gary Taylor (PPPL)

Topical Groups, 2008-2009

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport Ed Doyle (UCLA) John Rice (MIT)
Diagnostics Rejean Boivin (GA) Jim Terry (MIT) & Steve Allen (LLNL)
Energetic Particles Raffi Nazikian (PPPL) Don Spong (ORNL)
Fusion Engineering Science Nermin Uckan (ORNL) Richard Nygren (SNL)
Integrated Scenarios Chuck Kessel (PPPL) Timothy Luce (GA)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Chris Hegna (Wisconsin) Ted Strait (GA)
Modeling and Simulation Don Batchelor (ORNL) Jon Kinsey (GA)
Operational Scenarios and Control Dave Humphreys (GA) Dave Gates (PPPL)
Boundary Dennis Whyte (MIT) Tom Rognlien (LLNL)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Cynthia Phillips (PPPL) Steve Wukitch (MIT)

Topical Groups, 2007-2008

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport Paul Terry (Wisconsin) Ed Doyle (UCLA)
Diagnostics Rejean Boivin (GA) Jim Terry (MIT) & Steve Allen (LLNL)
Energetic Particles Raffi Nazikian (PPPL) Bill Heidbrink (GA)
Fusion Engineering Science Nermin Uckan (ORNL) Richard Nygren (SNL)
Integrated Scenarios Chuck Kessel (PPPL) Timothy Luce (GA)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Jon Menard (PPPL) Chris Hegna (Wisconsin)
Modeling and Simulation Don Batchelor (ORNL) Jon Kinsey (GA)
Operational Scenarios and Control Dave Humphreys (GA) Dave Gates (PPPL)
Boundary Dennis Whyte (MIT) Tom Rognlien (LLNL)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Cynthia Phillips (PPPL) Steve Wukitch (MIT)

Topical Groups, 2006-2007

 Topical Group  Leader  Deputy Leader
Confinement and Transport Paul Terry (Wisconsin) Ed Doyle (UCLA)
Diagnostics Rejean Boivin (GA) Jim Terry (MIT) & Steve Allen (LLNL)
Energetic Particles Raffi Nazikian (PPPL) Bill Heidbrink (UCI)
Fusion Engineering Science Nermin Uckan (ORNL) Richard Nygren (SNL)
Integrated Scenarios Chuck Greenfield (GA) Chuck Kessel (PPPL)
MHD, Macroscopic Plasma Physics Jon Menard (PPPL) Chris Hegna (Wisconsin)
Modeling and Simulation Don Batchelor (ORNL) Jon Kinsey (Lehigh)
Operational Scenarios and Control Dave Humphreys (GA) Dave Gates (PPPL)
Boundary Dennis Whyte (Wisconsin) Tom Rognlien (LLNL)
Plasma-Wave Interactions Cynthia Phillips (PPPL) Steve Wukitch (MIT)
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