APS 2013 talks: Research in Support of ITER
The ITER Integrated Modelling Programme
Simon Pinches -
DIII-D Support for ITER DMS Selection and Design
C.M. Greenfield for J.C. Wesley. -
Radiation asymmetry and MHD activity in gas jet rapid shutdowns on Alcator C-Mod
Geoffrey Olynyk , Robert Granetz , Dennis Whyte -
Status of US ITER Diagnostics
B. Stratton , L. Delgado-Aparicio , K. Hill , D. Johnson , N. Pablant , R. Barnsley , G. Bertschinger , M.F.M. De Bock , R. Reichle , V.S. Udintsev , C. Watts , M. Austin , P. Phillips , P. Beiersdorfer , T.M. Biewer , G. Hanson , C.C. Klepper , T. Carlstrom , M.A. Van Zeeland , D. Brower , E. Doyle , A. Peebles , R. Ellis , F. Levinton , H. Yuh -
ICRF Compatibility with Metallic PFCs: Implications for ITER
S.J. Wukitch , D. Brunner , M.L. Garrett , A. Hubbard , B. Labombard , Y. Lin , B. Lipschultz , D. Miller , R. Ochoukov , M.L. Reinke , J.L. Terry -
Development of the Q$=$10 Scenario for ITER on ASDEX Upgrade
Josef Schweinzer , Arne Kallenbach , Peter Lang , Joerg Stober , Wolfgang Suttrop , Hartmut Zohm -
Impact of the Radiating Divertor Approach on Future Tokamaks
T.W. Petrie , A.W. Leonard , T.C. Luce , F. Turco , S.L. Allen , M.E. Fenstermacher , C.T. Holcomb , C.J. Lasnier , R.A. Moyer , J.G. Watkins -
3D modeling of toroidal asymmetry due to localized divertor nitrogen puffing on Alcator C-Mod
J.D. Lore , M.L. Reinke , B. LaBombard , B. Lipschultz , R. Pitts -
KSTAR contributions to ITER long-pulse operations
Jinseok Ko -
Heating and current drive requirements towards steady state operation in ITER
Francesca Poli , Charles Kessel , Paul Bonoli , Donald Batchelor , Bob Harvey -
ELM Mitigation Using Pellet Injection and Plans for ITER
L.R. Baylor , N. Commaux , S.J. Meitner , D.A. Rassmussen , C.J. Lasnier , M.E. Fenstermacher , S.L. Allen , A.W. Leonard , T.H. Osborne , P.B. Parks , R.A. Moyer , A. Loarte , G. Huijsmans , S. Maruyama -
3D Perturbed Equilibria and ELM Suppression in DIII-D and Implications for ITER
N.M. Ferraro , T.E. Evans , R. Nazikian -
Conceptual Design of the ITER Plasma Control System
J.A. Snipes -
Novel Aspects of Plasma Control in ITER
D.A. Humphreys , M.L. Walker , G. Ambrosino , J. Lister , W. Treutterer , J. Snipes , A. Winter -
Error Field Detection and Mode Locking Avoidance by the Interaction of Applied Rotating 3D Fields With Otherwise Locked Modes
D. Shiraki , K.E.J. Olofsson , F.A. Volpe , R.J. La Haye , E.J. Strait , C. Paz-Soldan , N. Logan , M. Okabayashi