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FES Community Planning Workshops 2015
2014 FESAC Strategic Planning Panel
FESAC Subcommittee on Workforce Development
FESAC Subcommittee on Future Facilities
FESAC Subcommittee on MFE Priorities
Research Needs Workshop
ReNeW White Papers
Theme I: Achieving and Understanding the Burning Plasma State
- Research Thrusts Made Possible by a Fusion Development Facility (exec summ) by R.D. Stambaugh, V.S. Chan, A.M. Garofalo, J.P. Smith and C.P.C. Wong, General Atomics
- Modeling of Turbulence Diffusion and H-mode Transition including Poloidal Momentum Exchange from Ion-Neutral Collisions by K. C. Lee
- Off-Normal Events in a Fusion Development Facility by E. J. Strait, J.C. Wesley, M. J. Schaffer, and M. A. Van Zeeland
- Research Thrusts Made Possible by a Fusion Development Facility (7.8 Mb) by R. D. Stambaugh, V. S. Chan, et al
- Fusion Burn Control with Isotopic Fueling , L.R. Baylor (ORNL)
- Future Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) & In-vessel Components (IVCs): Strengthened Sustained and Integrated Approach for Modeling and Testing HHFCs, by Richard E. Nygren, Sandia National Laboratories
- The Real Mission of ITER, by G.A. Wurden, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Alpha particle transport in high temperature steady state reactor regimes, by Raffi Nazikian and Mike VanZeeland
- Duplicate
- Active Realtime Control Issues and Role of a Fusion Development Facility by D. L. Humphreys Feb 27, 2009
- The Need for a Fusion Science Integration Experiment in the US, by R.J. Buttery Feb 27, 2009
- Systematic Investigation of Electron Transport in NSTX, by E. Mazzucato, D. R. Smith, and K. L. Wong Feb 27, 2009
- A Fusion Development Facility to Develop, Field, and Test Diagnostic Solutions for DEMO by R. L. Boivin, J. C. DeBoo, and R. K. Fisher Feb 27, 2009
- Multiviate Control in Fusion Energy: Need for a Virtual Fusion Controls Development Laboratory, by T.L. Weaver, D.E. Turner and J.A. Ramsey, The Boeing Company Mar 3, 2009
- Burning Plasma Control, by Dr. Ken Owens, Humboldt State University Mar 3, 2009
- Issue: Tearing Mode Avoidance and Stabilization, by Rob La Haye, GA Mar 3, 2009
- Edge Localized Mode and pedestal control using resonant magnetic perturbation coils, by T.E. Evans Mar 3, 2009
- Disruptions - A Personal View, by John Wesley Mar 3, 2009
- Creating a Self-Heated Plasma, by V.S. Chan Mar 5, 2009
- Fast Ion Driven Instabilities Generated by Alpha Particles in Future Burning Plasma Experiments by M. Van Zeeland Mar 5, 2009
- Improvements needed for Predictive Integrated Modeling of Plasma Rotation, Density and Temperature Profiles, by Glenn Bateman and Arnold H. Kritz, Lehigh University Mar 12, 2009
- Transport in 'transient' conditions: current ramp-up & ramp-down, between sawtooth crashes, by D.R. Mikkelsent, PPPL Mar 13, 2009
- Driven and intrinsic rotation, rotation sinks and momentum transport, by John Rice Mar 13, 2009
- ITB formation from velocity and magnetic shear, by J.E. Rice, MIT PSFC Mar 13, 2009
- Particle & Impurity Transport and Fuelling, by W.L. Rowan, J.W. Hughes, D.R. Mikkelsen, C.C. Petty, J. Rice, P.W. Terry Mar 13, 2009
- Control Algorithms and Approaches, by Mike Walker Mar 13, 2009
- Off-Normal Event Control, by Mike Walker and Ted Strait, General Atomics Mar 13, 2009
- Extrapolating Transport to the Burning Plasma Regime, by C. Craig Petty and the Panel on Extending Confinement to Reactor Conditions Mar 13, 2009
- Effect of Toroidal Field Ripple on Edge Confinement, by C. Craig Petty and the Panel on Extending Confinement to Reactor Conditions Mar 13, 2009
- Toward a Validated Understanding of Core Thermal Transport, by P.W. Terry, J.W. Hughes, D.R. Mikkelsen, C.C. Petty, J. Rice, W.L. Rowan Mar 13, 2009
- Power thresholds and other requirements for H-mode access in ITER scenarios, by J.W. Hughes, D.R. Mikkelsen, C.C. Petty, J.E. Rice, W.L. Rowan, and P.W. Terry Mar 13, 2009
- Physics-based prediction of edge pedestal profiles under reactor-like conditions, by J.W. Hughes, D.R. Mikkelsen, C.C. Petty, J.E. Rice, W.L. Rowan and P.W. Terry Mar 13, 2009
- Scientific Issues and Gaps for High-Performance Steady-State Burning-Plasmas, by Dale Meade Mar 13, 2009 Updated Mar 16
- Resistive Wall Mode Stabilization, by H. Reimerdes, Columbia University (in collaboration wht J.W. Berkery, A.M. Garofalo, Y. In, R.J. La Haye, M. Okabayashi and S.A. Sabbagh Mar 13, 2009 Updated Mar 17
- Burn Control and Thermal Stability, by S.M. Wolfe Mar 17, 2009
- Evaluation of Technology Readiness for Physics-Oriented Issues, by Alan Turnbull, GA Mar 17, 2009
- Control of the Plasma and the Power Flow in a Reactor, by Alan Turnbull, GA Mar 17, 2009
- Technology Readiness For Control of the Plasma and Power Flow in a Reactor, by Alan Turnbull, GA Mar 17, 2009
- Open Issues for Integrated Modeling, by Arnold H. Kritz, Robert Budny, and Glenn Bateman Mar 18, 2009
- Pedestal Optimization for Confinement and ELM Control, by Moyer, Evans, Groebner, Reimerdes, Snyder Mar 18, 2009
- Global parameter control in ITER and a steady-stae DEMO: a white paper for ReNeW, by John Ferron Mar 18, 2009
- White Paper: Control of a snowflake divertor, by M.A. Makowski, D.D. Ryutov, A. Hyatt, T.H. Osborne, M.V. Umansky Mar 18, 2009
- Fusion Burn Control with Isotopic Fueling, by L.R. Baylor Mar 18, 2009
- Profile control in a steady-state advanced tokamak: a white paper for ReNeW, by John Ferron Mar 18, 2009
- White Paper: Some issues related to core and divertor control for DEMO, by T.W. Petrie Mar 18, 2009
- Perspectives for operation of stellarartors as fusion reactors, by Jeff Harris Mar 19, 2009
- Research gaps for reactor startup sequencing in the ITER era, by D.A. Gates Mar 20, 2009
- Integrated stability control,by D.A. Gates Mar 20, 2009
- Disruptions And ELMs: Questsions That Need Answers Before DEMO, by Alan Turnbull Mar 20, 2009
- White Paper: Some issues related to core and divertor control for ITER, by T.W. Petrie Mar 20, 2009
- Regulation and Licensing: Issues for Control Systems, by Tom Weaver, The Boeing Company Mar 20, 2009
- Reliability, Maintainability, and Testability: Issues for Control Systems, by Tom Weaver, The Boeing Company Mar 20, 2009
Theme II: Creating Predictable High-Performance Steady-State Plasmas
- Research Thrusts Made Possible by a Fusion Development Facility (exec summ) by R.D. Stambaugh, V.S. Chan, A.M. Garofalo, J.P. Smith and C.P.C. Wong, General Atomics
- ICRF-Edge and Surface Interactions, by D.A. D'Ippolito and J.R. Myra, Lodestar Research Corporation
- Integrated Edge-Plasma and Plasma-Wall Interaction Research, by the DOE Edge Coordinating Committee
- Comments on Verification and Validation in Edge Research, by J.R. Myra and D.A. D'Ippolito
- An Energy Sustainment Science Mission, by D. Whyte
- Modeling of Turbulence Diffusion and H-mode Transition including Poloidal Momentum Exchange from Ion-Neutral Collisions by K. C. Lee
- Severe divertor issues on next step devices, and validating the Super-X divertor as a promising solution, by M. Kotschenreuther (UT), S. M. Mahajan (UT), P. Valanju (UT), J. Canik (ORNL), A. Garafalo (GA), B. Labombard (MIT), R. Maingi (ORNL)
- Off-Normal Events in a Fusion Development Facility by E. J. Strait, J.C. Wesley, M. J. Schaffer, and M. A. Van Zeeland
- Research Thrusts Made Possible by a Fusion Development Facility (7.8 Mb) by R. D. Stambaugh, V. S. Chan, et al
- Fast ion stability and wall heat loading in stellarators, by D.A. Spong
- Future Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) & In-vessel Components (IVCs): Strengthened Sustained and Integrated Approach for Modeling and Testing HHFCs, by Richard E. Nygren, Sandia National Laboratories
- In-vessel Engineering Instrumentation for Future Fusion Devices, by Richard E. Nygren, Sandia National Laboratories
- Solenoidless Startup Research Thrusts for Tokamaks, By J. Leuer, D. Humpreys (General Atomics)
- US Fusion DEMO Assessment, by C.P.C. Wong (General Atomics), C. C. Baker (SNL, Albuquerque), S. L. Milora (ORNL) REVISED Mar 13, 2009
- The Real Mission of ITER, by G.A. Wurden, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Development of X-ray sensors and optical light extractors for DEMO operation and control, by D. Stutman, M. Finkenthal, K. Tritz, L. Delgado-Aparicio, Johns Hopkins University
- The Need for a Fusion Science Integration Experiment in the US, by R.J. Buttery Feb 27, 2009
- Active Realtime Control Issues and Role of a Fusion Development Facility by D. L. Humphreys Feb 27, 2009
- Radio frequency sustainment and current drive for Compact Tori, by T.P. Intrator LANL, R.P Majeski PPPL Feb 27, 2009
- Prediction of PFC plasma fluxes by improved edge/scrape-off-layer simulations, by T. Rognlien, LLNL Feb 27, 2009
- Development of a Stability Dashboard for Tokamaks, by Janardhan Manickam, PPPL Feb 27, 2009
- Disruptions - Research Needs, by R.J. Buttery Feb 27, 2009
- Validated Theory and Predictive Modeling by V. S. Chan Feb 27, 2009
- Integration of High Performance, Steady-State Burning Plasmas by A. M. Garofalo Feb 27, 2009
- A Fusion Development Facility to Develop, Field, and Test Diagnostic Solutions for DEMO by R. L. Boivin, J. C. DeBoo, and R. K. Fisher Feb 27, 2009
- A Fusion Development Facility to Test Heating and Current Drive Systems for DEMO by R. Prater and V. S. Chan Feb 27, 2009
- Hybrid Regime as an Alternative Scenario for High-Beta, Steady-State Plasmas, by C. Craig Petty, GA Feb 27, 2009
- Impact of Tritium Breeding on Design Implications to Withstand Disruptions and Runaway Electrons, by L. El-Guebaly and R. Raffray Feb 27, 2009
- ECH for DEMO, by M. A. Shapiro, J. R. Sirigiri, R. J. Temkin, D. A. Rasmussen, R. L. Ives, J. Lohr and C. Moeller Feb 27, 2009
- Research Thrust on Advanced Plasma Fuelling, by R. Raman, T.R. Jarboe, and H.W. Kugel Feb 28, 2009
- Complex Model Acceleration Using Neural Networks (CMAUNN), by Paul Cadaret; Ref Doc A: Computational Acceleration Using Neural Networks (CAUNN); Ref Doc B: What is Exhaustive-Learning? (WIEL) Feb 28, 2009
- Empirically Trained Diagnostic Systems (ETDS), by Paul Cadaret; Ref Doc A: Computational Acceleration Using Neural Networks (CAUNN); Ref Doc B: What is Exhaustive-Learning? (WIEL) Feb 28, 2009
- Advanced Data Compression Methods (ADCM), by Paul Cadaret; Ref Doc A: "Fuzzy" Data Compression (FDCMP); Ref Doc B: What is Exhaustive-Learning? (WIEL) Feb 28, 2009
- Multiviate Control in Fusion Energy: Need for a Virtual Fusion Controls Development Laboratory, by T.L. Weaver, D.E. Turner and J.A. Ramsey, The Boeing Company Mar 3, 2009
- Burning Plasma Control, by Dr. Ken Owens, Humboldt State University Mar 3, 2009
- Issue: Tearing Mode Avoidance and Stabilization, by Rob La Haye, GA Mar 3, 2009 REVISED Mar 13, 2009
- Edge Localized Mode and pedestal control using resonant magnetic perturbation coils, by T.E. Evans Mar 3, 2009
- Disruptions - A Personal View, by John Wesley Mar 3, 2009
- Development of a Predictive Simulation Capability for Three-Dimensional Configurations, by A. Reiman, PPPL Mar 3, 2009
- Stellarator Β Limits, by A. Reiman, PPPL Mar 3, 2009
- The Role of a Long-Pulse, High-Heat-Flux, Hot-Walls Confinement Experiment in the Study of Plasma-Wall Interactions for CTF and Demo, by Rob Goldston, PPPL Mar 4, 2009
- The Role of a Long-Pulse, High-Heat-Flux, Hot-Walls Confinement Experiment in the Development of Plasma Facing Components for CTF and Demo, by Rob Goldston, PPPL Mar 4, 2009
- RF Launchers that Survive in the Fusion Reactor Environment, by R.J. Temkin, M.A. Shapiro and J.R. Sirigiri, MIT and C.P. Moeller, GA Mar 4, 2009
- Benefits of moderate 3D fields in Tokamaks - NHTX as an example, by Neil Pomphrey, Allan Reiman, PPPL and Allen H. Boozer, Columbia University Mar 4, 2009
- Requirements for a Confinement Device with a Goal to Develop Tritium Breeding Blanket Modules, Based on FESAC Fusion Development Path Plan, by Rob Goldston Mar 6, 2009
- Provide basis for tokamak operation with dominant electron heating, by R. Prater Mar 9, 2009
- Contributions of a sustained high heat flux facility to "Creating predictable, high performance steady state plasmas," by Dennis Whyte, Paul Bonoli, Leslie Bromberg, Martin Greenwald, Amanda Hubbard, Bruce Lipschultz, Jim Terry Mar 9, 2009
- Research Thrust on Plasma Startup & Ramp-up, by R. Raman, T.R. Jaboe, B.A. Nelson, D. Mueller, M.G. Bell, PPPL Mar 10, 2009
- Neutral Beam Development Plans and Needs for ITER, by L.R. Grisham, PPPL Mar 10, 2009
- Contributions of NHTX to high-performance steady-state plasma development, by Jon Menard, Rob Goldston, PPPL Mar 10, 2009
- White paper on alpha losses and high-Z metal PFC surface damage, by D. Whyte Mar 9, 2009
- Non-Axisymmetric Shaping as a Research Thrust, by Allen Boozer (Columbia) , Hutch Neilson, and Michael Zarnstorff (PPPL) Mar 9, 2009
- Holistic approach against performance-limiting instabilities in steady state plasmas, by Yongkyoon In, Michio Okabayashi, Ted Strait, Holger Reimerdes, and Rob La Haye REVISED Mar 14, 2009
- Need for High Tritium Burn-up Fraction in Plasma to Relax Tritium Breeding Requirement for Demo and Fusion Power Plants, by L. El-Guebaly Mar 11, 2009
- Control Algorithms and Approaches, by Mike Walker Mar 13, 2009
- Off-Normal Event Control, by Mike Walker and Ted Strait, General Atomics Mar 13, 2009
- Scientific Issues and Gaps for High-Performance Steady-State Burning-Plasmas, by Dale Meade Mar 13, 2009 Update Mar 16
- Resistive Wall Mode Stabilization, by H. Reimerdes, Columbia University (in collaboration wht J.W. Berkery, A.M. Garofalo, Y. In, R.J. La Haye, M. Okabayashi and S.A. Sabbagh Mar 13, 2009 Updated Mar 17
- Establishing the Basis for Reliable Steady-State Fusion Power, by E.J. Strait, D.L. Humphreys, J.R. Ferron, R.J. La Haye, and M.L. Walker, General Atomics Mar 13, 2009
- Burn Control and Thermal Stability, by S.M. Wolfe Mar 17, 2009
- Evaluation of Technology Readiness for Physics-Oriented Issues, by Alan Turnbull, GA Mar 17, 2009
- Control of the Plasma and the Power Flow in a Reactor, by Alan Turnbull, GA Mar 17, 2009
- Technology Readiness For Control of the Plasma and Power Flow in a Reactor, by Alan Turnbull, GA Mar 17, 2009
- ICRF Actuator for DEMO, by S.J. Wukitch Mar 17, 2009
- Open Issues for Integrated Modeling, by Arnold H. Kritz, Robert Budny, and Glenn Bateman Mar 17, 2009
- Integration of Issues for Control, Research Needs, and a Possible Thrust, by Pete Politzer Mar 17, 2009
- Cross-cutting Tokamak/ST Research Needs for Stability and Steady-State Control, by S.A. Sabbagh, J.W. Berkery, J.M. Bialek, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, R. Goldston, C.C. Hegna, O. Katsuro-Hopkins, R. La Haye, J.E. Menard, Y-K.M. Peng, H. Reimerdes, E.J. Strait Mar 17, 2009
- Comments on research requirements/strategies for addressing "Plasma Modification by Auxiliary Systems" with RF wave, by Cynthia K. Phillips, PPPL Mar 17, 2009
- Pedestal Optimization for Confinement and ELM Control, by Moyer, Evans, Groebner, Reimerdes, Snyder Mar 18, 2009
- Global parameter control in ITER and a steady-stae DEMO: a white paper for ReNeW, by John Ferron Mar 19, 2009
- White Paper: Control of a snowflake divertor, by M.A. Makowski, D.D. Ryutov, A. Hyatt, T.H. Osborne, M.V. Umansky Mar 19, 2009
- Fusion Burn Control with Isotopic Fueling, by L.R. Baylor Mar 19, 2009
- Profile control in a steady-state advanced tokamak: a white paper for ReNeW, by John Ferron Mar 19, 2009
- White Paper: Some issues related to core and divertor control for DEMO, by T.W. Petrie Mar 19, 2009
- Perspectives for operation of stellarartors as fusion reactors by Jeff Harris Mar 19, 2009
- Research gaps for reactor startup sequencing in the ITER era, by D.A. Gates Mar 20, 2009
- Integrated stability control,by D.A. Gates Mar 20, 2009
- Disruptions And ELMs: Questsions That Need Answers Before DEMO, by Alan Turnbull Mar 20, 2009
- White Paper: Some issues related to core and divertor control for ITER, by T.W. Petrie Mar 20, 2009
- Regulation and Licensing: Issues for Control Systems, by Tom Weaver, The Boeing Company Mar 20, 2009
- US Fusion Program Issues and Requirements for Superconducting Magnets Research, by Joseph V. Minervini, Leslie Bromberg, David C. Larbalestier, Michael Gouge, Bradley E. Nelson, Richard J. Thome, and GianLuca Sabbi Mar 20, 2009
- Reliability, Maintainability, and Testability: Issues for Control Systems, by Tom Weaver, The Boeing Company Mar 20, 2009
Theme III: Taming the Plasma Material Interface
- Research Thrusts Made Possible by a Fusion Development Facility (exec summ) by R.D. Stambaugh, V.S. Chan, A.M. Garofalo, J.P. Smith and C.P.C. Wong, General Atomics
- Synergistic Effects of Radiation Damage and Plasma-Material Interactions by Scott Hsu, Xianzhu Tang, Yongqiang Wang, LANL and George Tynan, UCSD Revised
- Management of dust in fusion devices, Charles H. Skinner, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- ICRF-Edge and Surface Interactions, by D.A. D'Ippolito and J.R. Myra, Lodestar Research Corporation
- Thrust for Enhancing Modeling & Predictive Computations for Plasma/Material Interactions, J.N. Brooks (Purdue University), J.P. Allain (Purdue University), T.D. Rognlien (LLNL)
- Evaluating gaps in fusion energy research using Technology Readiness Levels, by Mark Tillack, UC San Diego, Center for Energy Research
- Integrated Edge-Plasma and Plasma-Wall Interaction Research, by the DOE Edge Coordinating Committee
- Towards building a credible vision for a DEMO-class fusion reactor: Addressing the 'Knowledge Gaps' and 'Show-Stoppers' in Edge Plasma Transport, by B. LaBombard, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
- Thrust for Enhancing Modeling and Simulation of Plasma Instabilities/Surface Interactions with innovative mitigation techniques, by A. Hassanein, V. Sizyuk, G. Mikoshevsky, S. Harilal, and T. Sizyuk, Purdue University
- Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Components, by Dick Majeski (PPPL), Jean Paul Allain (Purdue University), Hantao Ji (PPPL), Neil Morley (UCLA), Mark Nornberg (PPPL), and David Ruzic (University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign)
- Development and qualification of innovative advanced refractory alloys for steady-state burning plasma-wall interface materials, by J.P. Allain, Purdue University
- Research Thrust for Reliable Plasma Heating and Current Drive using ICRF, by J.B.O. Caughman, D.A. Rasmussen, L.A. Berry, R.H. Goulding, D.L. Hillis, P.M. Ryan, and L. Snead (ORNL), R.I. Pinkster (General Atomics), J.C. Hosea and J.R. Wilson (PPPL)
- The Role of a Long-Pulse, High-Heat-Flux, Hot-Walls Confinement Experiment in the Study of Plasma-Wall Interactions for CTF and Demo, by Rob Goldston, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- The Role of Long-Pulse, High-Heat-Flux, Hot-Walls Confinement Experiment in the Development of Plasma Facing Components for CTF and Demo, by Rob Goldston, PPPL and Russ Doerner, UCSD
- PWI Gaps vs. Tools: General Requirements on the Tools, by the PWI Panel
- An Energy Sustainment Science Mission, by D. Whyte
- Taming the Plasma Material Interface, RF Antennas, Launching Structures, and Other Internal Components by Richard W. Callis, General Atomics
- The Problem of RF Launchers in a DEMO Environment and Requirements to Address them by J.R. Wilson, R.J. Goldston and J.C. Hosea, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- Research Thrust to Address Major Measurement Gaps, by Dr. W.A. Peeble, UCLA and Dr. Jim Irby, MIT
- Severe divertor issues on next step devices, and validating the Super-X divertor as a promising solution, by M. Kotschenreuther (UT), S. M. Mahajan (UT), P. Valanju (UT), J. Canik (ORNL), A. Garafalo (GA), B. Labombard (MIT), R. Maingi (ORNL)
- RF Launchers that Survive in the Fusion Reactor Environment, by R. J. Temkin, M. A. Shapiro and J. R. Sirigiri, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center and C.P. Moeller, General Atomics Revised
- Simulating the Demo Edge Plasma in a Compact High Heat Flux Experiment, by J. Canik, R. Maingi (ORNL), R. Goldston, J. Menard (PPPL)
- The Case for Helium-Cooled Refractory PFCs, by Dennis Youchison, Sandia National Laboratories
- The process of identifying the physics controlling PWI is significantly incomplete, preventing reliable scaling of PWI results to future devices, by Peter Stangeby, GA
- Diagnostic investments required to identify missing physics controlling PWI, by Peter Stangeby, GA
- Carbon as a flow-through, consumable PFC material, by Peter Stangeby, GA
- FDF: PWI issues and research opportunities, by Peter Stangeby, GA
- Duplicate
- BW-Surface for CTF and DEMO by C.P.C. Wong et al
- Off-Normal Events in a Fusion Development Facility by E. J. Strait, J.C. Wesley, M. J. Schaffer, and M. A. Van Zeeland
- A Fusion Development Facility to Test Divertor and PFC Solutions for DEMO by A. W. Leonard, et al
- Research Thrusts Made Possible by a Fusion Development Facility (7.8 Mb) by R. D. Stambaugh, V. S. Chan, et al
- Innonvative divertor development to solve the plasma heat-flux problem, by T. Rognlien, D. Ryutov, M. Makowski, V. Soukhanovski, M. Umansky, R. Cohen, D. Hill and I. Joseph (LLNL)
- Plasma Facing Component Test Facilities, by Dennis Youchison, Sandia National Laboratories
- Development and Validation of a Boundary Plasma Model, by A. Leonard, S. Allen, T. Petrie and P. Stangeby
- Fundamental science of the synergy of multi-species interactions in a high plasma-heat-flux environment, by P.S. Krstic, F.W. Meyer, Y.K. Peng, D.L. Hillis, L.R. Baylor, R.H. Goulding, J.H. Harris
- Research Thrust to Address PMI Knowledge Gaps for DEMO, by L. R. Baylor, J. M. Canik, J. B. O. Caughman, S. Diem, R. H. Goulding, D. L. Hillis, P. S. Krstic, F. W. Meyer, and Y. K.- M. Peng (ORNL)
- Prediction of PFC plasma fluxes by improved edge/scrape-off-layer simulations, by T. Rognlien, LLNL
- Future Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) & In-vessel Components (IVCs): Strengthened Sustained and Integrated Approach for Modeling and Testing HHFCs, by Richard E. Nygren, Sandia National Laboratories
- In-vessel Engineering Instrumentation for Future Fusion Devices, by Richard E. Nygren, Sandia National Laboratories
- Taming the Plasma-Material Interface and an Energy Sustainment Mission, by D. Whyte
- Capitalizing on the ITER Opportunity – an ITER-TBM Experimental Thrust, by Neil B. Morley, Mohamed Abdou, Alice Ying (UCLA); Mohamed Sawan, Jake Blanchard (UW); Clement Wong (GA); Brad J. Merrill, Pattrick Calderoni (INL)
- Divertor Plans and Research Options in FDF, A. Garofalo, et al
- Physics and engineeering research needs for 3D coil systems for a tokamak DEMO, by J. Menard, J.-K. Park (PPPL), S. Sabbagh (Columbia University)
- The Real Mission of ITER, by G.A. Wurden, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- The Need for a Fusion Science Integration Experiment in the US, by R.J. Buttery Feb 27, 2009
- Impact of Tritium Breeding on Design Implications to Withstand Disruptions and Runaway Electrons, by L. El-Guebaly and R. Raffray Feb 27, 2009
Theme IV: Harnessing Fusion Power
- D-D Power Plants: the ultimate fusion goal by John Sheffield, Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment
- Component Test Facilities will be needed by John Sheffield, Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment
- Research Thrusts Made Possible by a Fusion Development Facility (exec summ) by R.D. Stambaugh, V.S. Chan, A.M. Garofalo, J.P. Smith and C.P.C. Wong, General Atomics
- Synergistic Effects of Radiation Damage and Plasma-Material Interactions by Scott Hsu, Xianzhu Tang, Yongqiang Wang, LANL and George Tynan, UCSD Revised
- Fusion Materials Qualification with a Spallation Neutron Source Facility by Stuart Maloy and Eric Pitcher, Los Alamos National Lab
- Irradiating Fusion Materials in the Proposed LANL Materials Test Station, Eric Pitcher and Stuart Maloy, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Material characterization in a 1015 neutron cm-2s-1 flux using light source X-rays, M.A.M. Bourke, D.J. Rej, R.D. Fulton, J.L. Sarrao
- Theory-Based Models and Simulations of Materials for Fusion, Marius Stan, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Atomic-Scale Design of Structural Materials for Fusion Environments, A. Misra, R.G. Hoagland and M. Nastasi (LANL); M.J. Demkowicz (MIT), Collaborators: S.A. Maloy, T.C. Germann, Y.Q. Wang, X.Y. Liu, B.P. Uberuaga, A.F. Voter (LANL)
- Need for Online Adjustment/Control of Tritium Bred in Blanket, L. El-Guebaly, University of Wisconsin and S. Malang, Consultant, Germany
- A Materials Evaluation D-T Neutron Source Based on an Axisymmetric Gas Dynamic Trap Magnetic Mirror, by the Mirror Study Group, Chairman: T.C. Simonen
- Identification of key MHD thermofluid issues and associated R&D for the next generation liquid blankets, by Sergey Smolentsev
- Requirements for a Confinement Device with a Goal to Develop Tritium Breeding Blanket Modules, Based on FESAC Fusion Development Path Plan, by Rob Goldston, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- An Energy Sustainment Science Mission, by D. Whyte
- Development of a high fluence fusion neutron source and component test facility based on the magneto-kinetic compression of FRCs, by John Slough
- 3D Magnetic Fields in Fusion Device Design: Toward Improved Reliability and Maintainability submitted by the National Stellarator Coordinating Committee
- Research Thrust to Establish Predictive Simulation Capability for Fusion Nuclear Science, by S. Diem, D. Batchelor, V. Chan, A. Garofalo, Y.K. Peng, D. Spong and A. Sontag
- Limiting the Divertor Heat Flux to Enable Fusion Nuclear Science Research at Low-A, by J.M. Canik, A. Sontag, M. Cole (ORNL), M. Kotchenreuther, P. Valanju (UT Austin)
- Research Thrust on Plasma Startup & Ramp-up to Enable Fusion Nuclear Science Research at Low-A, by A. Sontag, J. Caughman, S. Diem, R. Fonck, A. Garofalo, R. Raman, A. Redd, V. Shevchenko, ORNL
- US Fusion DEMO Assessment by C.P.C. Wong, C. C. Baker, and S. L. Milora
- Off-Normal Events in a Fusion Development Facility by E. J. Strait, J.C. Wesley, M. J. Schaffer, and M. A. Van Zeeland
- Research Thrusts Made Possible by a Fusion Development Facility (7.8 Mb) by R. D. Stambaugh, V. S. Chan, et al
- Closing the Fusion Fuel Cycle by C. P. C. Wong, R. D. Stambaugh, M. Sawan
- Making Electricity and Hydrogen - the FDF Port Test Blanket Module Program by R. Stambaugh, C. P. C. Wong, and V. S. Chan
- Materials Science Research in FDF by R.D. Stambaugh, C. P. C. Wong, A. P. Leonard, and V. S. Chan
- Establishing Integrated Management Strategy for Activated Materials, by L. El-Guebaly
- Integrated Multi-physics Simulation of Nuclear Components as an Essential Element in Developing Predictive Capabilities for DEMO, by A. Ying, M. Abdou, S. Smolentsev, R. Munipalli, D. Youchison, P. Wilson, M. Sawan
- Fusion Burn Control with Isotopic Fueling , L.R. Baylor (ORNL)
- Major Materials Issues for DEMO, by R.J. Kurtz (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) and G.R. Odette (UC Santa Barbara)
- Fusion Nuclear Science Research Thrust and the Required Full Fusion Nuclear Environment, by M. Peng, M. Cole, B. Patton, G. Yoder, K. Korash, T. Burgess, Y. Katoh, J. Wagner, A. Sontag, J. Canik, S. Diem (ORNL); R.D. Stambaugh, V.S. Chan, C.P.C. Wong (GA); S. Kaye (PPPL)
- Future Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) & In-vessel Components (IVCs): Strengthened Sustained and Integrated Approach for Modeling and Testing HHFCs, by Richard E. Nygren, Sandia National Laboratories
- In-vessel Engineering Instrumentation for Future Fusion Devices, by Richard E. Nygren, Sandia National Laboratories
- An Integrated Design for Demo-FPP to Achieve RAMI Goals, by Lester M. Waganer
- Interfacing Fusion Materials Development and Component Design, S. Sharafat (UCLA) and G.R. Odette (UCSB)
- Extreme Thermo-mechanical Challenges In Developing Fusion Power Reactor Materials and Structures, by G.R. Odette (UCSB) and S. Sharafat (UCLA)
- Capitalizing on the ITER Opportunity – an ITER-TBM Experimental Thrust, by Neil B. Morley, Mohamed Abdou, Alice Ying (UCLA); Mohamed Sawan, Jake Blanchard (UW); Clement Wong (GA); Brad J. Merrill, Pattrick Calderoni (INL)
- Power Extraction Research Thrust Using a Full Fusion Nuclear Environment, by G. L. Yoder, Jr., Y.K.M. Peng, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Safety Research Thrust Using A Full Fusion Nuclear Environment, by Kofi Korash, Brad Patton and Martin Peng, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Fuel Cycle Research Thrust Using a Full Fusion Nuclear Environment, by Brad Patton, Grady Yoder, Martin Peng and Kofi Korsah, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- RAMI Research Thrust Using a Full Fusion Nuclear Environment, by Tom Burgess, Martin Peng, Mike Cole, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Research Thrust on Magnets to Enable Low Aspect Ratio, by Mike Cole, Martin Peng, Brad Nelson, Tom Burgess
- Fusion Operating Experience Data Collection at Present and in the Future, by L. Cadwallader, INL Fusion Safety Program
- The Real Mission of ITER, by G.A. Wurden, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Reactor considerations for Compact Toroids, by T.P. Intrator, Los Alamos National Laboratory; T. Jarboe, University of Washington; and R.L. Miller, Decysive Systems Feb 27, 2009
- Radio frequency sustainment and current drive for Compact Tori, by T.P. Intrator LANL, R.P Majeski PPPL Feb 27, 2009
- The Need for a Fusion Science Integration Experiment in the US, by R.J. Buttery Feb 27, 2009
- Impact of Tritium Breeding on Design Implications to Withstand Disruptions and Runaway Electrons, by L. El-Guebaly and R. Raffray
- Radiation Transport Modeling & Simulation for a Full Fusion Nuclear Environment, by John Wagner, Martin Peng, Mohamed Sawan, Paul Wilson and Alice Ying Mar 3, 2009
- Need for High Tritium Burn-up Fraction in Plasma to Relax Tritium Breeding Requirement for Demo and Fusion Power Plants, by L. El-Guebaly Mar 11, 2009
- Triple Ion-Beam Radiation Materials User Facility: A Facility Upgrade of National Importance, by G. Bench and M.J. Fluss, LLNL Mar 17, 2009
Theme V: Optimizing the Magnetic Configuration
- Advances in Singly-Connected Closed Field Line Plasma Devices and Extrapolation to POP Level Experiments and Reactors by A.L. Hoffman, L.C. Steinhauer (University of Washington), H. Ferrari, R. Farengo (Centro Atomico Bariloche)
- Research Thrust to Establish Predictive Simulation Capability for Fusion Nuclear Science, by S. Diem, D. Batchelor, V. Chan, A. Garofalo, Y.K. Peng, D. Spong and A. Sontag
- Severe divertor issues on next step devices, and validating the Super-X divertor as a promising solution, by M. Kotschenreuther (UT), S. M. Mahajan (UT), P. Valanju (UT), J. Canik (ORNL), A. Garafalo (GA), B. Labombard (MIT), R. Maingi (ORNL)
- Limiting the Divertor Heat Flux to Enable Fusion Nuclear Science Research at Low-A, by J.M. Canik, A. Sontag, M. Cole (ORNL), M. Kotchenreuther, P. Valanju (UT Austin)
- Research Thrust on Plasma Startup & Ramp-up to Enable Fusion Nuclear Science Research at Low-A, by A. Sontag, J. Caughman, S. Diem, R. Fonck, A. Garofalo, R. Raman, A. Redd, V. Shevchenko, ORNL
- Fast ion stability and wall heat loading in stellarators, by D.A. Spong
- Fusion Nuclear Science Research Thrust and the Required Full Fusion Nuclear Environment, by M. Peng, M. Cole, B. Patton, G. Yoder, K. Korash, T. Burgess, Y. Katoh, J. Wagner, A. Sontag, J. Canik, S. Diem (ORNL); R.D. Stambaugh, V.S. Chan, C.P.C. Wong (GA); S. Kaye (PPPL)
- Future Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) & In-vessel Components (IVCs): Strengthened Sustained and Integrated Approach for Modeling and Testing HHFCs, by Richard E. Nygren, Sandia National Laboratories
- Solenoidless Startup Research Thrusts for Tokamaks, By J. Leuer, D. Humpreys (General Atomics)
- Advancing Stellarator Knowledge Through International Collaboration, by Hutch Neilson and Jeffrey Harris
- Reactor considerations for Compact Toroids, by T.P. Intrator, Los Alamos National Laboratory; T. Jarboe, University of Washington; and R.L. Miller, Decysive Systems
- Next Step Needs for FRC Stability And Sustainment Studies, by John Slough, University of Washington
- Computational Needs for Reversed-Field Pinch and Spheromak Development, by Carl R. Sovinec, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Cross-cutting Connections between the Spheromak and the Reversed-Field Pinch (RFP), by CT sub-sub-panel: McLean, Sovinec, Woodruff, Yamada
- Density limits and control in RFP's, by P. Innocente, M.E. Puiatti, M. Valisa (RFX-Padova, Italy)
- LiWall ST1, EAST1, ITER-100 - all exceeding ignition criterion, by Leonid E. Zakharov Feb 27, 2009
- Radio frequency sustainment and current drive for Compact Tori, by T.P. Intrator LANL, R.P. Majeski PPPL Feb 27, 2009
- Oblate FRC concept with NBI for experimental studies of large-s FRC formation, stability, current drive and transport, by E.V Belova, M. Yamada, H. Ji1, S. Gerhardt, PPPL Feb 27, 2009
- The Need for a Fusion Science Integration Experiment in the US, by R.J. Buttery Feb 27, 2009
- Improving energy confinement is the most rapid route to practical FRC reactors, by S.A. Cohen, PPPL Feb 27, 2009
- Potential impact of low recycling equilibria and lithium walls on reactor design, by R. Majeski, M. Kotschenreuther, J. Manickam, S.A. Sabbagh, L. Zakharov, L. Zheng Feb 27, 2009
- Development of a high fluence fusion neutron source and component test facility based on the magneto-kinetic compression of FRCs, by John Slough Feb 27, 2009
- Understanding and Predicting Microtearing Instabilities in the ST, by K. Tritz, D. Stutman, L. Delgado-Aparicio, M. Finkenthal, John Hopkins University Feb 27, 2009
- Axisymmetric Tandem Mirror D-T Neutron Source, by W. Horton, J. Pratt, A.W. Molvik, R.M. Kulsrud, N.J. Fisch Feb 27, 2009
- Improving spheromak helicity injection by eliminating the constraint imposed by Paschen breakdown physics, by Paul M. Bellan Caltech Feb 28, 2009
- Research Thrust on Plasma Startup & Ramp-up, R. Raman, T.R. Jarboe, B.A. Nelson, D. Mueller, M.G. Bell Feb 28, 2009
- Research Thrust on Advanced Plasma Fuelling, by R. Raman, T.R. Jarboe, and H.W. Kugel Feb 28, 2009
- A scenario for steady state low-aspect-ratio RFP sustained by pressure-driven and RF/NBI-driven currents, by Sadao Masamune Mar 2, 2009
- Impact of Tritium Breeding on Design Implications to Withstand Disruptions and Runaway Electrons, by L. El-Guebaly and R. Raffray Feb 27, 2009
- Role of Theory in Addressing RFP Physics Issues, by P.W. Terry, A. Boozer, J.S. Sarff, R. White, C. Sovinec
- Benefits of moderate 3D fields in Tokamaks - NHTX as an example, by Neil Pomphrey, Allan Reiman, PPPL and Allen H. Boozer, Columbia University Mar 4, 2009
- Harnessing fusion power: how does CT research contribute to this discussion? by S. Woodruff, Woodruff Scientific, Inc. Mar 4, 2009
- Contributions of NHTX to the ST Development Path, by Rob Goldston, Jon Menard (PPPL), and Steve Sabbagh (Columbia University) Mar 11, 2009
- Non-Axisymmetric Shaping as a Research Thrust, by Allen Boozer (Columbia) , Hutch Neilson, and Michael Zarnstorff (PPPL) Mar 9, 2009
- White paper on alpha losses and high-Z metal PFC surface damage, by D. Whyte Mar 9, 2009
- Issues on active control of MHD instabilities in a RFP, by Lionello Marrelli Mar 11, 2009
- Need for High Tritium Burn-up Fraction in Plasma to Relax Tritium Breeding Requirement for Demo and Fusion Power Plants, by L. El-Guebaly Mar 11, 2009
- Development of a Predictive Simulation Capability for Three-Dimensional Configurations, by A. Reiman, PPPL Mar 13, 2009
- Stellarator Operational Limits, by A. Reiman Mar 13, 2009
- Pedestal Optimization for Confinement and ELM Control, by Moyer, Evans, Groebner, Reimerdes, Snyder Mar 13, 2009
- Neurtal Beam Development Plans and Needs for ITER, by L.R. Grisham, PPPL Mar 13, 2009
- Measurement needs for the alternates, with broader connections, by D.J. Den Hartog Mar 14, 2009
- Some thoughts on the future direction of rotamak research, by Ieuan R. Jones, Flinders University Apr 20, 2009