White Papers received for the Plasma-Materials Interactions Community Workshop

First AuthorInstitutionTitle
J.P. Allain UIUC Challenges and strategies to experimental validation of multi-scale nuclear fusion PMI computational modeling
A. Anders LBNL Unipolar arcs on the first wall: gaining deeper understanding of arc ignition conditions and development of arc-prevention strategies
D. Andrucyzk UIUC Liquid Metal's Role to Improve PowerHndling through Engineering Innovation
N. Bertelli PPPL Integrating RF power into scrape-off-layer plasma simulation
T.M. Biewer ORNL PMI Diagnostic Development Needs
A.R. Briesemeister ORNL Compatibility of RMP ELM control and detached divertor conditions
D. Buchenauer SNLCA Neutral H sensor for C-X H flux on wall and divertor
J.M. Canik ORNL Taking the next step in boundary model validation
J.M. Canik ORNL The importance of the parallel plasma transport close to the material surface for PMI
J.B. Caughman ORNL Reliable Long-Pulse Plasma Heating and Current Drive using ICRF
C.S. Chang PPPL Kinetic Simulation of Scrape-off and Edge-Core Plasmas Using PIC Method for High Fidelity PMI Research
J. Coburn NCSU New Focuses for Future PMI Studies: Testing Innovative Materials, Focusing on Material Temperature Control, and Implementing Cross-disciplinary Research
D. Curreli UIUC Large-Scale Integrated Modeling of Plasma Boundary and Plasma-Material Interactions
G.L Delzanno LANL Dust, a critical player in the complex plasma-material interaction problem for long pulse tokamaks
D.A. D'Ippolito Lodestar ICRF-Edge and Surface Interactions
D.C. Donovan UT-K Surface Heat Flux Characterization on Linear and Toroidal Confinement Devices
R. Ellis PPPL Near-term test facilities for liquid metal plasma facing components
L. Garrison ORNL Development of advanced tungsten and alternative materials through advanced manufacturing
R.J. Goldston PPPL An Example Opportunity for DIvertor Innovation: The Lithium Vapor-Box Divertor
R.H. Goulding ORNL Use of Multiple RF Heating Sources in a Linear Divertor Simulator
Z.S. Hartwig MIT The necessity to advance diagnostics for plasma-facing component surfaces
I.H. Hutchinson MIT Divertor Detachment Basic Analysis
I. Joseph LLNL Theory and Simulation of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
Y. Katoh ORNL Impact of Neutron Irradiation on Plasma-Materials Interactions
B.E. Koel PU Liquid Metals As Plasma-Facing Materials For Fusion Energy Systems
E. Kolemen PU Advanced Magnetic Divertor Control
M. Kotschenreuther UT-A Implications of Small SOL widths on Tolerable ELM Size and ELM Tungsten Sputtering
M. Kotschenreuther UT-A Cumulative Integrated Performance on ITER that allows Q=10
P. Krstic SUNY Integrated, Multi-Scale Plasma-Material Interface Simulation
B. LaBombard MIT ADX: a high field, high power density, advanced divertor and RF tokamak
J. Lore ORNL Addressing the need for fluid plasma boundary modeling
A. Lumsdaine ORNL Engineering Enhanced Heat Transfer Materials
R. Majeski PPPL An approach to distillation of T,D from lithium
R. Majeski PPPL An approach to a tokamak reactor with fast flowing liquid lithium PFCs
R. Majeski PPPL Test Stands for Liquid Metal PFC Development
R. Majeski PPPL Low recycling walls and confinement
J.E. Menard PPPL Potential challenges, research needs, and solutions for core-edge integration
S.M.H. Mirhoseini Columbia Feedback Stabilization of Flowing, Electromagnetically Restrained Liquid Metal Walls
C.P. Moeller GA A Traveling Wave Helicon Launcher for > 1 GHz
J.R. Myra Lodestar Understanding the SOL: Fundamental Physics Challenges
R. E. Nygren SNLA Advance Manufacturing and Engineered Materials - A new vision for materials and PFC development
R. E. Nygren SNLA On Finding a Robust Integrated Solution for Fusion
R. E. Nygren SNLA Understanding Design Integration to Confirm the Credibility of Liquid Surface PFCs
C.M. Parish ORNL Qualifying materials' response to plasma-materials interaction
M.J. Pellin ANL Extreme Materials (XMAT) Beam Line for In Situ Examination of Radiation Damage at the Advanced Photon Source
J. Rapp ORNL Integrated PMI R&D with a multi-device approach
L.M. Reusch UW-M Integrated Data Analysis of Measurements in the Edge of Fusion Devices
T. Schenkel LBNL Multi-scale and time-resolved studies of point defect dynamics in materials, to further the understanding of PMI for fusion
M. Shimada INL Tritium and Nuclear Sciences Initiative for Burning Plasma Long Pulse PMI
T.C. Simonen UC-B Three Game Changing Advances: A Simpler Fusion Concept
J. Singh PSU Fabrication of Net-shaped Functional Graded Nano-dispersion Strengthened Tungsten Alloys for Structural Applications in Fusion Energy
T. Sizyuk Purdue The Effect of Mixed and Impurity Materials on the Performance and Reliability of Plasma-Facing Compnents
C.H. Skinner PPPL Coordinated experimental-modeling approach to low-risk PFCs for FNSF/DEMO
V.A. Soukhanovskii LLNL Taming the plasma-material interface with the snowflake divertor
P.C. Stangeby U-Toronto Flow-through solid PFCs using carbon or other low-Z refractory coatings
A. Sternlieb Ariel U. Divertor Pathway to Fusion Energy
X. Tang LANL Feedback of PMI on SOL Plasmas
J. Terry MIT Challenges for integrating power-handling constraints and those of a high-performance core
M.S Tillack UCSD The Materials-Design Interface for Fusion Power Core Components
Y.Y. Tsui U-Alberta Experimental platform for advancing plasma-material interactions science under conditions relevant to fusion reactors
E.A. Unterberg U-Alberta The Challenge in Compatibility of Main-chamber Materials with Next-Step Fusion Devices
Y. Wang LANL Coupled plasma and dual-beam capability for PMI research
Y. Wang LANL Managing helium through designer nanocomposite plasma facing materials
D.G. Whyte MIT Assessment of reactor PMI science in small-scale devices
D.G. Whyte MIT Achieving and exploring reactor-level PMI simulation in small-scale devices
B.D. Wirth UT-K Status of Modeling Plasma - Materials Interactions: Unresolved Issues & Future Opportunities
G. Wright MIT Operating a tokamak with a high-temperature wall
G. Wright MIT The Need for Fusion-Relevant Irradiation in Understanding the Plasma-Material Interactions and Ultimate Design of Next Generation PFCs
S. Wukitch MIT PMI Challenges and Path towards RF Sustainment of Steady State Fusion Reactor Plasmas
X.Q. Xu LLNL Develop a Validated Predictive Modeling Capability for Localized Transient Events under Detached Divertor Operations
M. Yoda GIT Development of Helium-Cooled Tungsten Divertor Systems
D.L. Youchison SNLA Thin LM/solid hybrid FWs for DEMO Blankets
L.E. Zakharov PPPL Flowing Liquid Lithium (24/7FLiLi): the technology  step to  burning plasma regimes
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