DOE Workshop on Integrated Simulations for Magnetic Fusion Energy Sciences
Chair: Paul Bonoli (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Co-chair: Lois Curfman McInnes (Argonne National Laboratory)

Recently, Dr. Edmund Synakowski, Associate Director of Science for Fusion Energy Sciences (FES), announced a series of four technical workshops that seek community engagement and input for future program planning activities in FES, as described in a letter to the community and workshop charges, which can be found on the web: orkshops.pdf

The 2015 DOE Workshop on Integrated Simulations for Magnetic Fusion Energy Sciences, sponsored by the office of FES in partnership with the office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR), will be held during June 2-4, 2015 in Rockville, MD. In response to the FES workshop charge, the workshop will review recent progress and identify gaps and challenges in fusion theory and computation directly relevant to the topic of disruption prevention, avoidance, and mitigation and that of plasma boundary physics, with whole device modeling as the long term goal. In addition, the workshop will reassess these challenges and their concomitant opportunities and will adjust or broaden them appropriately by taking into consideration recent progress and using the criteria of urgency, extreme-scale computing benefit, readiness for progress within a ten-year time frame, and world- leading potential. The primary workshop outcome will be a report in response to the one-page charge from FES for this workshop.

Panel Topics and Leads:
The workshop is organized into panels that broadly cover three fusion topics (A,B,C) and crosscutting issues in computational mathematics and computer science (D,E,F,G) in the context of integrated simulations for magnetic fusion energy sciences. The scope of each of these panels will build on prior workshop findings (as indicated in the resources listed below) and will include recent advances in FES SciDAC Centers and ASCR SciDAC Institutes.

A.  Disruption prevention, avoidance, and mitigation

○ Panel Lead: Carl Sovinec (University of Wisconsin)
○ Panel Co-Lead: Dylan Brennan (Princeton University)

○ Panel Members:

Boris Breizman (University of Texas – Austin)

*Luis Chacon (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Nathaniel Ferarro (General Atomics)

Richard Fitzpatrick (University of Texas – Austin)

Guo-Yong Fu (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Stefan Gerhardt (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Eric Hollman (University of California – San Diego)

Valerie Izzo (University of California – San Diego)

Steve Jardin (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Scott Kruger (Tech-X Corporation)

Hank Strauss (HRS Fusion)

Alan Turnbull (General Atomics)

*Ravi Samtaney (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)

*Cross-cutting expert from ASCR


○ Focus: gaps and challenges in theory, guidance from experiment, status of simulation capabilities, status of validation and measurement capabilities.


B.  Plasma boundary, including the pedestal, scrape off layer, and plasma-materials interactions

○ Panel Lead: Tom Rognlien (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
○ Panel Co-Lead: Phil Snyder (General Atomics)

○ Panel Members:

John Canik (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Choong-Seock Chang (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

*Eduardo D’Azevedo (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Andris Dimits (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Mikhail Dorf (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

*Milo Dorr (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Richard Groebner (General Atomics)

Greg Hammett (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Karl Hammond (University of Missouri)

Tony Leonard (General Atomics)

Sergei Krasheninnikov (University of California – San Diego)

Zhihong Lin (University of California - Irvine)

*Cross-cutting expert from ASCR

○ Focus: gaps and challenges in theory, guidance from experiment, status of simulation capabilities, status of validation and measurement capabilities.


C.  Whole device modeling

○ Panel Lead: Jeff Candy (General Atomics)
○ Panel Co-Lead: Chuck Kessel (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

○ Panel Members:

Donald Batchelor (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

John Cary (Tech-X Corporation)

David Green (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Brian Grierson (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

*Jeff Hittinger (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Chris Holland (University of California - San Diego)

Stan Kaye (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

*Alice Koniges (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Arnold Kritz (Lehigh University)

Lynda Lodestro (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Orso Meneghini (General Atomics)

Francesca Poli (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Tariq Rafiq (Lehigh University)

*Cross-cutting expert from ASCR

○ Focus: software, status of integrated modeling, validation and measurement capabilities, the roles of first-principles models (e.g., requiring extreme-scale computing platforms) and reduced models.


D.  Multiphysics and multiscale coupling

○ Panel Lead: Jeff Hittinger (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
○ Panel Co-Lead: Luis Chacon (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

○ Panel Members:

Andrew Christlieb (Michigan State University)

*Guo-Yong Fu (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

*Greg Hammett (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Cory Hauck (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Dan Reynolds (Southern Methodist University)

Ravi Samtaney (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)

Mark Shephard (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Mayya Tokman (University of California – Mercd)

Ray Tuminaro (Sandia National Laboratories)

Carol Woodward (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

*Cross-cutting expert from FES

○ Focus: mathematical formulations (e.g., models, meshing, discretization), algorithms (e.g., solvers and time advancement, coupling between scales and domains), quantitative a posteriori error analysis, verification.


E.  Beyond interpretive simulations

○ Panel Lead: Donald Estep (Colorado State University)
○ Panel Co-Lead: Todd Munson (Argonne National Laboratory)

○ Panel Members:

Eduardo D’Azevedo (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Omar Knio (Duke University)

*Scott Kruger (Tech-X Corporation)

Robert Moser (University of Texas - Austin)

Eugenio Schuster (Lehigh University)

Daniel Tartakovsky (University of California – San Diego)

Bart van Bloemen Waanders (Sandia National Laboratories)

*Anne White (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

*Cross-cutting expert from FES

○ Focus: stochastic inverse problems for parameter determination, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification, optimization, design, control (so-called ‘outer loop’ issues).


F.  Data management, analysis, and assimilation

○ Panel Lead: Wes Bethel (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
○ Panel Co-Lead: *Martin Greenwald (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

○ Panel Members:

*Stan Kaye (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Scott Klasky (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Allen Sanderson (University of Utah)

*David Schissel (General Atomics)

*John Wright (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

John Wu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

*Cross-cutting expert from FES

○ Focus: integrated data analysis and assimilation that support end-to-end scientific workflows; knowledge discovery methods in multi-modal, high-dimensional data (qualitative and quantitative); integrating data management and knowledge discovery software architectures and systems.


G.  Software integration and performance

○ Panel Lead: David Bernholdt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
○ Panel Co-Lead: Bob Lucas (University of Southern California / Information Sciences Institute)

○ Panel Members:

*John Cary (Tech-X Corporation)

Milo Dorr (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Alice Koniges (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

*Orso Meneghini (General Atomics)

Boyana Norris (University of Oregon)

*Francesca Poli (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Brian Van Straalen (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Pat Worley (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

*Cross-cutting expert from FES

○ Focus: workflows and code coupling software, performance portability, software productivity and software engineering, governance models for the fusion integrated modeling community.


Participants at Large


Amitava Bhattacharjee (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

William Dorland (University of Maryland)

Frank Jenko (University of Cailfornia – Los Angeles)

Esmond Ng (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) 

William Tang (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Xianzhu Tang (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

François Waelbroeck (University of Texas – Austin)

Mike Zarnstorff (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) 


○ Role: Participants at Large have been asked to attend the Workshop on Integrated Simulations of Magnetic Fusion Energy Sciences on order to observe and provide feedback to the FES and ASCR panels.


Workship Timeline and Process:

Workshop Timeline and Process





Organize panels

Workshop and panel leads

March - Early April

Gather community input via 2-page whitepapers

FES and ASCR community

March, April, May

Panel communication as needed

Panel leads, co-leads, and members

May 18-19

Virtual presentations of whitepapers

FES and ASCR community


Write draft sections of report

Panel leads, co-leads, and panel members

June 2-4

Writing workshop for panels in Rockville, MD

Attended by panel chairs, co-chairs, panel members, observers, and participants at large


Submit completed report to FES and ASCR

Panel leads, co-leads, and selected panelists (“writers”)

Call for Whitepapers:
In preparation for the 2015 DOE Workshop on Integrated Simulations for Magnetic Fusion Energy Sciences, the workshop chair Paul Bonoli and co-chair Lois Curfman McInnes invite all members of the FES and ASCR communities to submit two-page whitepapers. The objectives of the whitepapers are to prepare topics for discussion at the workshop and to identify content to include in the workshop report. The following call for whitepapers provides detailed formatting and submission instructions, as well as guidance on content and references:

Click here for a document providing White Paper guidance.

Whitepapers will be accepted through Thursday April 16, 2015. All whitepapers received will be posted or linked, for public viewing, on the workshop website. We will try to accommodate all requests for oral presentations but may have to limit speakers depending on final numbers.

Resource Documents:
This workshop will build on prior workshop findings as indicated in the following resource documents:

2014 FESAC Strategic Planning Panel: report, whitepapers, references:

2010 Report on the Workshop on Scientific Grand Challenges: Crosscutting Technologies for Computing at the Exascale:

2009 Report on Fusion Energy Sciences and the Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale (part of an ASCR-led workshop series):

2009 FES Research Needs Workshop (while simulations were just a part of this workshop, the report provides a good overview of magnetic fusion challenges): report, whitepapers, references:

2007 FSP Workshop Report:

2014 Workshop on Software Productivity for Extreme-scale Science: report, whitepapers, references:

2013 Workshop on Applied Mathematics Research for Exascale Computing: report, whitepapers, references:

2013 ASCAC Data Subcommittee Report on Synergistic Challenges in Data-Intensive Science and Computing:

2012 Report on the Workshop on Extreme-Scale Solvers: Transitions to Future Architectures:

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