White Papers received by the FSSP for Status and Priorities, and Initiatives

 Author(s)  Title or Subject
Mohamed Abdou, Alice Ying, Sergey Smolentsev, and Neil B. Morley of UCLAScientific Framework for Advancing Blanket/FW/Tritium Fuel Cycle Systems towards FNSF & DEMO Readiness – Input to FESAC Strategic Plan Panel on Blanket/FW Research Initiatives
Ed Barnat, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque N.M.Dynamic exploratory clusters: Facilitating inter-disciplinary discovery driven research
L.R. Baylor, G.L. Bell, T. S. Bigelow, J. B. Caughman, R. H. Goulding, G.R. Hanson, and D.A. Rasmussen, ORNL, J. C. Hosea, G. Taylor, and R. Perkins, PPPL, J. M. Lohr, P. B. Parks, and R. I. Pinsker, GA, G. Nusinovich, U. of Maryland, M. A. Shapiro and R. J. Temkin, MITPlasma Controlling and Actuation Technologies that Enable Long Pulse Burning Plasma Science – Status and Priorities
R. Boivin (GA), M. Austin (UT), T. Biewer (ORNL), D. Brower (UCLA), E. Doyle (UCLA), G. McKee (UW), P. Snyder (GA)Enhanced Validation of Performance-Defining Physics through Measurement Innovation
Dylan Brennan, President, UFA, Phil Ferguson, ORNL, Raymond Fonck, UWISC, Miklos Porkolab, MIT, Stewart Prager, PPPL, Ned Sauthoff US ITER, Tony Taylor, GAPerspectives on Ten-Year Planning for the Fusion Energy Sciences Program
USBPO Diagnostics Topical Group: David L. Brower, Leader. Theodore M. Biewer, Deputy, with R. Boivin, R. Moyer, C. Skinner, D. Thomas, K. Tritz, and K. YoungA Burning Plasma Diagnostic Initiative for the US Magnetic Fusion Energy Science Program
M. R. Brown, representing P. M. Bellan, S. A. Cohen, D. Hwang, E. V. Belova. Swarthmore CollegeThe role of compact torus research in fusion energy science
Tom Brown, PPPL, A Personal ViewU.S. Next Step Strategy for Magnetic Fusion
C. Denise Caldwell, NSF MPS-PHYNSF'S Plasma Physics Program
R.W. Callis, A. Garofalo, V. Chan, H. Guo, GAApplied Scientific Research to Prepare the Technology for Blanket and Nuclear Components to Enable Design of the Next-Step Burning Plasma Device (Status)
R.W. Callis, A. Garofalo, V. Chan, H. Guo, GAApplied Scientific Research to Prepare the Technology for Blanket and Nuclear Components to Enable Design of the Next-Step Burning Plasma Device (Initiative)
C.S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryFirst-Principles Simulation of the Whole Fusion Physics on Leadership Class Computers, in collaboration with ASCR scientists
B. Coppi, MIT PhysicsThe High Field Compact Line of Experiment: From Alcator to Ignitor and Beyond
R Paul Drake, University of MichiganOpportunities and Challenges in High-Energy-Density Laboratory Plasmas
R Paul Drake, University of MichiganInitiatives in High-Energy-Density Laboratory Plasmas
Philip C. Efthimion, PPPLOFES Stewardship of Plasma Science and its Partnering and Leveraging Discovery Science
R. Fonck, UWISC, G. McKee, GA, D. Smith, PPPLRevitalizing university and national facility integration in Fusion Energy Science
W. Fox, A. Bhattacharjee, H. Ji, K. Hill, I. Kaganovich, and R. Davidson, PPPL, A. Spitkovsky, Princeton U., D.D. Meyerhofer, R. Betti, D. Froula, and P. Nilson, U. Rochester, D. Uzdensky and C. Kuranz, UMICH, R. Petrasso and C.K. Li, MIT PSFC, S. Glenzer, SLACLaboratory astrophysics and basic plasma physics with high-energy-density, laser-produced plasmas
E. Fredrickson, PPPLSome Recent Advances in Understanding of Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities and Fast-ion Confinement.
Andrea M. Garofalo and Tony S. Taylor, GALeveraging International Collaborations to Accelerate Development of the Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF)
S. H. Glenzer, SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryUS leadership in Discovery Plasma & Fusion Science
R. Goldston, PPPL, B. LaBombard, D. Whyte, M. Zarnstorff, MIT PSFCA Strategy for Resolving the Problems of Plasma-Material Interaction for FNSF
C.M. Greenfield for the U.S. Burning Plasma OrganizationPositioning the U.S. to Play a Leading Role in and Benefit from a Successful ITER Research Program
Martin Greenwald, a personal viewImplications and Lessons from 2007 Strategic Planning Activity and Subsequent Events
H.Y. Guo, E.A. Unterberg, S.L. Allen, D.N. Hill, A.W. Leonard, P.C. Stangeby, D.M. Thomas and DIII-D BPMIC TeamDeveloping Heat Flux and Advanced Material Solutions for Next-Step Fusion Devices
W. Guttenfelder, E. Belova, N.N. Gorelenkov, S.M. Kaye, J.E. Menard, M. Podesta, Y. Ren, and W.X. Wang, PPPL, D.L. Brower, N. Crocker, W.A. Peebles, T.L. Rhodes, and L. Schmitz, UCLA, J. Candy, G.M. Staebler, and R.E. Waltz, GA, J. Hillesheim, CCFE, C. Holland, UCSD, J.H. Irby and A.E. White, MIT, J.E. Kinsey, CompX, F.M. Levinton and H. Yuh, Nova Photonics, M.J. Pueschel, UWiscValidating electromagnetic turbulence and transport effects for burning plasmas
G.W. Hammett, PPPL, with input from C.S. Chang, S. Kaye, and A. H. Hakim, PPPL, A. Pletzer and J. Cary, Tech-XAn Advanced Computing Initiative To Study Methods of Improving Fusion
R. J. Hawryluk PPPL, H. Berk UTEXAS, B. Breizman, UTEXAS, D. Darrow, PPPL, R. Granetz, MIT, D. Hillis, ORNL, A. Kritz, LEHIGH, G. Navrati, COLUMBIA U., T. Rafiq, LEHIGH, S. Sabbagh, COLUMBIA U, G. Wurden, LANL, and M. C. Zarnstorff, PPPLUS Collaboration on JET D-T Experiments
David N. Hill, LLNLDevelop the basis for PMI solutions for FNSF and DEMO
Matthew M. Hopkins, Sandia National LaboratoriesOvercoming Cultural Challenges to Increasing Reliance on Predictive Simulation
W. Horton, H. L. Berk, C. Michoski, and D. Meyerson, UTEXAS Austin, I. Alvarado and L. Wenzel, National Instruments, Austin, Texas, A. Molvik, D. Ryutov, T. Simonen, and B. Hooper, LLNL, J. F. Santarius, UWISCA Fusion Science Facility to Evaluate Materials for Fusion Reactors
P. W. Humrickhouse, M. Shimada, B. J. Merrill, L. C. Cadwallader, and C. N. Taylor, Idaho National LaboratoryTritium research needs in support of long-pulse burning plasmas: gaps, status, and priorities
P. W. Humrickhouse, M. Shimada, B. J. Merrill, L. C. Cadwallader, and C. N. Taylor, Idaho National LaboratoryTritium research needs in support of long-pulse burning plasmas: new initiatives
T. R. Jarboe, C. J. Hansen, A. C. Hossack, G. J. Marklin, K. D. Morgan, B. A. Nelson, D. A. Sutherland, and B. S. VictorHelicity Injected Torus (HIT) Current Drive Program
Thomas R. Jarboe PI, Richard Milroy Co-PI, Brian Nelson Co-PI, and Uri Shumlak Co-PI, University of Washington, Carl Sovinec PI, University of Wisconsin, Eric Held, Utah State, Vyacheslav Lukin, NRLPlasma Science and Innovation Center (PSI-Center) at Washington, Wisconsin, Utah State, and NRL
T. R. Jarboe, C. J. Hansen, A. C. Hossack, G. J. Marklin, K. D. Morgan, B. A. Nelson, R. Raman, D. A. Sutherland, B. S. Victor, and S. YouAn Imposed Dynamo Current Drive experiment: studying and developing efficient current drive with sufficient confinement at high temperature
For SCIDAC: S. Jardin, PPPL, N. Ferraro, GA, A. Glasser, UWash, V. Izzo, UCSD, S. Kruger TechX, C. Sovinec, HRS Fusion, H. Strauss, UWISCIncreased Understanding and Predictive Modeling of Tokamak Disruptions
H. Ji for the WOPA TeamInitiative for Major Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics in Discovery Plasma Science in Fusion Energy Sciences
H. Ji, PPPL, C. Forest, UWISC, M. Mauel, Columbia U., S. Prager, PPPL, J. Sarff, PPPL, and E. Thomas, Auburn U.Initiative for a New Program Component for Intermediate-­scale Experiments in Discovery Plasma Science in Fusion Energy Sciences
C. E. Kessel, P. W. Humrickhouse, N. Morley, S. Smolentsev, M. E. Rensink, T. D. RognlienCritical Fusion Nuclear Material Science Activities Required Over the Next Decade to Establish the Scientific Basis for a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility
C. E. Kessel, J. P. Blanchard, A. Davis, L. El-Guebaly, N. Ghoniem, P. W. Humrickhouse, A. Khodak, S. Malang, B. Merrill, N. Morley, G. H. Neilson, F. M. Poli, M. E. Rensink, T. D. Rognlien, A. Rowcliffe, S. Smolentsev, L. Snead, M. S. Tillack, P. Titus, L. Waganer, A. Ying, K. Young, Y. ZhaiCritical Fusion Nuclear Material Science Activities Required Over the Next Decade to Establish the Scientific Basis for a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility
Mike Kotschenreuther, Swadesh Mahajan, Prashant Valanju, Brent Covele, and Francois Waelbroeck, IFS, University of Texas; Steve Cowley UKAEA, John Canik ORNL, Brian LaBombard MIT, Houyang Guo, GATaming the Heat Flux Problem, Advanced Divertors towards Fusion Power
Predrag Krstić, Institute for Advanced Computational Science, SBU, Igor Kaganovich, Daren Stotler, Bruce Koel, PPPLPriorities: Integrated Multi-Scale Divertor Simulation Project
Predrag Krstić, Institute for Advanced Computational Science, SBU, Igor Kaganovich, Daren Stotler, Bruce Koel PPPLInitiatives: Integrated Multi-Scale Divertor Simulation Project
Mark J. Kushner, UMICH, EECS, Co-submitted by 28 other scientists, at 22 other locationsA Low Temperature Plasma Science Program: Discovery Science for Societal Benefit
Brian LaBombard, MIT PSFCHigh priority divertor and PMI research on the pathway to FNSF/DEMO.
B. LaBombard, E. Marmar, J. Irby, J. Terry, R. Vieira, D.G. Whyte, S. Wolfe, S. Wukitch, N. Asakura, W. Beck, P. Bonoli, D. Brower, J. Doody, L. Delgado-Aparicio, R. Ellis, D. Ernst, C. Fiore, R. Granetz, M. Greenwald, Z.S. Hartwig, A. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, I.H. Hutchinson, C. Kessel, M. Kotschenreuther, S. Krasheninnikiov, R. Leccacorvi, Y. Lin, B. Lipschultz, S. Mahajan, J. Minervini, R. Nygren, R. Parker, F. Poli, M. Porkolab, M.L. Reinke, J. Rice, T. Rognlien, W. Rowan, D. Ryutov, S. Scott, S. Shiraiwa, D. Terry, C. Theiler, P. Titus, G. Tynan, M. Umansky, P. Valanju, F. Waelbroeck, G. Wallace, A. White, J.R. Wilson, S.J. ZwebenADX: a high field, high power density advanced divertor tokamak experiment.

Mission: Develop and demonstrate plasma exhaust and PMI physics solutions that scale to long pulse at FNSF/DEMO divertor parameters.
T.C. Luce, R.J. Buttery, C.C. Petty, M.R. Wade, GAPreparing the Foundations for Burning Plasmas and Steady-state Tokamak Operation
T.C. Luce, GAMissions and Priorities for the US Fusion Program—the Role of Burning Plasma and Steady-State Tokamak Physics
N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.V. Pham (UC Davis), T. Munsat (U. Colorado)Advanced Electronics Development for Fusion Diagnostics
R. Maingi, M.A. Jaworski, R. Kaita, R. Majeski, C.H. Skinner, and D.P. Stotler, PPPL, J.P. Allain, D. Andruczyk, D. Currelli, and D.N. Ruzic, Princeton University, B.E. Koel, UIUCA Liquid Metal PFC Initiative
E. S. Marmar, on behalf of the MIT Alcator TeamPriorities and Opportunities, White Paper for MIT/PSFC 10 Year Research Plan
E. S. Marmar, on behalf of the MIT Alcator TeamInitiatives led by the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center: Successful Completion of Alcator C-Mod and Transition to a New, Advanced Divertor High-Field Tokamak Facility
M. Mauel, D. Garnier, J. Kesner, P. Michael, M. Porkolab, T. Roberts, P. Woskov, Dept of Applied Physics and Applied Math, Columbia U., MIT PSFCMulti-University Research to Advance Discovery Fusion Energy Science using a Superconducting Laboratory Magnetosphere
J. Menard, R. Fonck, R. Majeski for the NSTX-U, Pegasus, and LTX research teamsU.S. Spherical Tokamak Program Initiatives for the Next Decade
T. Munsat (U. Colorado), N.C. Luhmann, Jr. (UC Davis), B. Tobias (PPPL)Center for Imaging and Visualization in Tokamak Plasmas
Joseph V. Minervini and Miklos Porkolab, MIT PSFCSuperconducting Magnets Research for a Viable US Fusion Program
R. R. Parker, G-S. Baek, P. T. Bonoli, B. LaBombard, Y. Lin, M. Porkolab, S. Shiraiwa, G. M. Wallace, S. J. Wukitch, D. Whyte, MIT PSFCRF Actuators for Steady-State Tokamak Development
R.D. Petrasso, R.P. Drake, and R.C. Mancini, members of the Omega Laser Facility User Group (OLUG)Oppositely directed laser beams at the OMEGE-­EP Facility for advancing HED Physics: A Finding and Recommendation of the Omega Laser Facility Users Group to FESAC
C. K. Phillips PPPL and P. T. Bonoli MIT, L. A. Berry, XCEL, N. Bertelli, PPPL, D. D’Ippolito, Lodestar, D. L. Green, ORNL, R.W. Harvey, CompX, E. F. Jaeger, XCEL, J. Myra, Lodestar, Y. Petrov, CompX, M. Porkolab, S. Shiraiwa, MIT, D.N. Smithe, TechX, E. J. Valeo, PPPL, and J. C. Wright, MITInternational Collaborative Initiative for RF Simulation Models in support of ITER and the ITER Integrated Modeling Program: Status and Priorities
C. K. Phillips PPPL and P. T. Bonoli MIT, L. A. Berry, XCEL, N. Bertelli, PPPL, D. D’Ippolito, Lodestar, D. L. Green, ORNL, R.W. Harvey, CompX, E. F. Jaeger, XCEL, J. Myra, Lodestar, Y. Petrov, CompX, M. Porkolab, S. Shiraiwa, MIT, D.N. Smithe, TechX, E. J. Valeo, PPPL, and J. C. Wright, MITInternational Collaborative Initiative for RF Simulation Models in support of ITER and the ITER Integrated Modeling Program: Proposed Initiative
Leanne Pitchford, LAPLACE, CNRS and University of Toulouse III, FranceThe Plasma Data Exchange Project and the LXCat Platform
Leanne Pitchford, LAPLACE, CNRS and University of Toulouse, FranceResource request for the Plasma Data Exchange Project and the LXCat platform
M. Podesta, D. Darrow, E. Fredrickson, G.-Y. Fu1, N. Gorelenkov, J. Menard, and R. White, PPPL, J. K. Anderson, UWisc, W. Boeglin, FIU, B. Breizman, UTexas, D. Brennan, Princeton U., A. Fasoli, CRPP/EPFL, Z. Lin, UCLA Irvine, S. D. Pinches and J. Snipes, ITER, S. Tripathi, UCLA LA, M. Van Zeeland, GADevelopment of tools for understanding, predicting and controlling fast ion driven instabilities in fusion plasmas
S. Prager, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryThe PPPL Perspective on Ten Year Planning in Magnetic Fusion
R. Prater, R.I. Pinsker, V. Chan, A. Garofalo, C. Petty, M. Wade, GAOptimize Current Drive Techniques Enabling Steady-State Operation of Burning Plasma Tokamaks
R. Raman, UWash, T.R. Jarboe, UWash, J.E. Menard, S.P. Gerhardt and M. Ono, PPPLDevelopment of a Fast Time Response Electromagnetic Disruption Mitigation System
R. Raman, UWash, T.R. Jarboe, and B.A. Nelson, UWash, T. Brown, J.E. Menard, D. Mueller, and M. Ono, PPPLSimplifying the ST and AT Concepts
J. Rapp, D.L. Hillis, J.P. Allain, J.N. Brooks, H.Y. Guo, A. Hassanein, D. Hill, R. Maingi, D. Ruzic, O Schmitz, E. Scime, G. TynanMaterial Facilities Initiative: MPEX and FMITS
S.A. Sabbagh and J.M. Hanson, Columbia U., N. Commaux, ORNL, N. Eidietis, R. La Haye, and M. Walker, GAVE, S.P. Gerhardt, E. Kolemen. J.E. Menard, PPPL, B. Granetz, MIT, V. Izzo, UCSD, R. Raman, U. WASHINGTON, S. Woodruff, Woodruff ScientificCritical Need for Disruption Prediction, Avoidance, and Mitigation in Tokamaks
Alla Safronova, Physics Department, University of NevadaSignificance of Atomic Physics for Magnetically Confined Fusion and High-Energy-Density Laboratory Plasmas, Status, priorities, and initiatives white paper
J.S. Sarff, A.F. Almagri, J.K. Anderson, D.L. Brower, B.E. Chapman, D. Craig, D.R. Demers, D.J. Den Hartog, W. Ding, C.B. Forest, J.A. Goetz, K.J. McCollam, M.D. Nornberg, C.R. Sovinec, P.W. Terry, and CollaboratorsOpportunities and Context for Reversed Field Pinch Research
Ann Satsangi, OFES DOEDiscovery Plasma Science: A question on Facilities
T. Schenkel, P. Seidl, W. Waldron, A. Persaud, LBNL, John Barnard and Alex Friedman, LLNL, E. Gilson, I. Kaganovich, and R. Davidson, PPPL, A. Minor and P. Hosemann, University of California, BerkeleyDiscovery Science with Intense, Pulsed Ion Beams
Peter Seidl, Thomas Schenkel, Arun Persaud, and W.L. Waldron, LBNL, John Barnard and Alex Friedman, LLNL, Erik Gilson, Igor Kaganovich, and Ronald Davidson, PPPLHeavy-Ion-Driven Inertial Fusion Energy
David R. Smith, UWISCData science and data accessibility at national fusion facilities
E.J. Strait, GAEstablishing the Basis for Sustained Tokamak Fusion through Stability Control and Disruption Avoidance: (I) Present Status
E.J. Strait, GAEstablishing the Basis for Sustained Tokamak Fusion through Stability Control and Disruption Avoidance: (II) Proposed Research
William Tang, PPPLValidated Integrated Fusion Simulations Enabled by Extreme Scale Computing
P.W. Terry UWISC, Peter Catto MIT, Nikolai Gorelenkov PPPL, Jim Myra LODESTAR, Dmitri Ryutov LLNL, Phil Snyder GA, and F. Waelbroeck UTEXASRole of Analytic Theory in the US Magnetic Fusion Program
The University Fusion AssociationThe Role of Universities in Discovery Science
Mickey R. Wade, GA, for the DIII-D TeamDeveloping the Scientific Basis for the Burning Plasma Era and Fusion Energy Development, (A 10-Year Vision for DIII-D)
Anne White, Paul Bonoli, Bob Granetz, Martin Greenwald, Zach Hartwig, Jerry Hughes, Jim Irby, Brian LaBombard, Earl Marmar, Miklos Porkolab, Syun’ichi Shiraiwa, Rui Vieira, Greg Wallace, and Graham Wright, MIT, David Brower, Neal Crocker, and Terry Rhodes, UCLA, Walter Guttenfelder, PPPL, Chris Holland, UCSD, Nathan Howard, ORISE, George McKee, UWISCA new research initiative for “Validation Teams”
G. Wurden, S. Hsu, T. Intrator, C. Grabowski, J. Degnan, M. Domonkos, P. Turchi, M. Herrmann, D. Sinars, M. Campbell , R. Betti , D. Ryutov, B. Bauer, I. Lindemuth, R. Siemon, R. Miller, M. Laberge, M. DelageMagneto‐Inertial Fusion
D. Whyte, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion CenterExploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors will provide a faster and more attractive fusion development path
X. Q. Xu, LLNLInternational collaboration on theory, validation, and integrated simulation
J. Freidberg, E. Marmar, MIT, H. Neilson , M. Zarnstorff, PPPLThe Case for QUASAR (NCSX)
Thomas Klinger, Hans-Stephan Bosch, Per Helander, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, Robert Wolf Max-Planck Institute for Plasma PhysicsA Perspective on QUASAR
Thomas Klinger, Hans-Stephan Bosch, Per Helander, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, Robert Wolf Max-Planck Institute For Plasma PhysicsStatus And Prospects Of The U.S. Collaboration With The Max-Planck Institute For Plasma Physics On Stellarator Research On The Wendelstein 7-X Device
H. Neilson, D. Gates, M. Zarnstorff, S. Prager, PPPLManagement Strategy for QUASAR
Members of the National Stellarator Coordinating CommitteeControl of High-Performance Steady-State Plasmas: Status of Gaps and Stellarator Solutions
Members of the National Stellarator Coordinating CommitteeSolutions for Steady-State High Performance MFE: A U.S. Stellarator Program for the Next Ten Years
Oliver Schmitz, UWISC, on behalf of U.S. stellarator collaboratorsDevelopment of 3-D divertor solutions for stellarators through coordinated domestic and international research
Matt Landreman, University of Maryland, on behalf of the US Stellarator Coordinating Committee3D theory and computation: A cost‐effective means to address “long‐pulse” and “control” gaps
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