Mohamed Abdou, Alice Ying, Sergey Smolentsev, and Neil Morley; UCLA | Scientific Framework for Advancing Blanket/FW/Tritium Fuel Cycle Systems towards FNSF & DEMO Readiness |
L.R. Baylor, G.L. Bell, D.A. Rasmussen, ORNL, R. Temkin, M. Shapiro, MIT, J. Hosea, G. Taylor, PPPL, P. Parks, GA | Abstract:Plasma Controlling and Sustainment Technologies that Enable Long Pulse Burning Plasma Science |
D. P. Brennan (Princeton University), President, University Fusion Association | The Role of Universities in Discovery Science in the FES Program |
M. R. Brown, representing P. M. Bellan, S. A. Cohen, E. V. Belova, D. Hwang, Swarthmore College | The role of compact torus research in fusion energy science |
Richard Buttery, General Atomics | Establishing the Physics Basis for Sustaining a High Burning Plasma in Steady-State |
R.W. Callis, General Atomics | Applied Scientific Research for Blanket and Nuclear Components to Enable Design of the Next-Step Burning Plasma Device |
Vincent M. Donnelly and Demetre J. Economou | Ignition Delays in Pulsed Tandem Inductively Coupled Plasmas System |
R. P. Drake, R. Mancini, R. D. Petrasso: members of the Omega Laser Facility User Group Executive Committee | Oppositely directed laser beams at the OMEAGE-EP Facility for advancing HED Physics: A Finding and Recommendation of the Omega Laser Facility Users Group |
Philip C. Efthimion, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | Office of Science Partnerships and Leveraging of Discovery Science |
Raymond Fonck, Dylan Brennan, Phil Ferguson, Miklos Porkolab, Stewart Prager, Ned Sauthoff, and Tony Taylor | Perspectives on 10-Year Planning for the Fusion Energy Sciences Program |
W. Fox, A. Bhattacharjee, H. Ji, K. Hill, I. Kaganovich, R. Davidson, D.D. Meyerhofer, R. Betti,
D. Froula, D. Uzdensky, C. Kuranz, R. Petrasso, C.K. Li, S. Glenzer | Laboratory astrophysics and basic plasma physics with high-energy-density, laser-produced plasmas |
A.M. Garofalo, General Atomics | Leveraging International Collaborations to Accelerate Development of the Fusion Nuclear Science Facility |
Walter Gekelman, Troy Carter, George Morales, Chris Niemann, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles | The Basic Plasma Science Facility – Upgrade for the next decade and beyond |
S. H. Glenzer, P. Heimann, A. Fry, J. Hastings, R. W. Falcone, F. Fiuza, S. Hau-Riege | High-Energy Density science at 4th generation Light Sources |
David N. Hill, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Develop the basis for PMI solutions for FNSF |
S. Jardin, N. Ferraro, A. Glasser, V. Izzo, S. Kruger, H. Strauss, and the SciDAC Center for Extended MHD Modeling (CEMM) | Increased Understanding and Predictive Modeling of Tokamak Disruptions |
H. Ji, for the Workshop on Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics Team | Major Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics |
H. Ji, C. Forest, M. Mauel, S. Prager, J. Sarff, and E. Thomas | Importance of Intermediate-scale Experiments in Discovery Plasma Science |
C. E. Kessel, J. P. Blanchard, A. Davis, L. El-Guebaly, N. Ghoniem, P.
Humrickhouse, A. Khodak, S. Malang, B. Merrill, N. Morley, G. H. Neilson, F. M.
sdfPoli, M. Rensink, T. Rognlien, A. Rowcliffe, S. Smolentsev, L. Snead, M. S.
Tillack, P. Titus, L. Waganer, A. Ying, K. Young, Y. Zhai | Princeton Plasma Physics Critical Fusion Nuclear Material Science Activities Required Over the Next Decade to Establish the Scientific Basis for a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility |
Predrag S. Krsti, Stony Brook University, NY, Igor Kaganovich, and Daren Stotler, PPPL | Multiscale, integrated divertor plasma-material simulation |
Mark J. Kushner, University of Michigan | Science Issues in Low Temperature Plasmas: Overview, Progress and Needs |
Brian LaBombard, MIT PSFC | A nationally organized, advanced divertor tokamak test facility is needed to demonstrate plasma exhaust and PMI solutions for FNSF/DEMO. |
Matt Landreman (University of Maryland) on behalf of U.S. stellarator collaborators | 3D theory and computation as a major driver for advances in stellarators
Matt Landreman |
Jon Van Lew, Alice Ying, University of California, Los Angeles | Temperature control and hysteretic morphology analysis for ceramic breeder pebble beds used for tritium breeding |
Joseph V. Minervini, Leslie Bromberg, Peter J. Lee, David C. Larbalestier | Superconducting Magnets Research for a Viable US Fusion Program |
R. R. Parker, S-G. Baek, P. T. Bonoli, Y. Lin, M. Porkolab, S. Shiraiwa, G. M. Wallace, S. J. Wukitch, MIT PSFC | RF Actuators for Steady-State Tokamak Development |
R. Prater, General Atomics | Optimize Current Drive Techniques Enabling Steady-State Operation of Burning Plasma Tokamaks |
Yevgeny Raitses, Igor Kaganovich and Brent Stratton, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | Plasma Science Associated with Modern Nanotechnology |
John Sarff, on behalf of the MST Team and RFP Collaborators |
Opportunities and Context for Reversed Field Pinch Research |
Thomas Schenkel, Peter Seidl, Arun Persaud, Andrew Minor, LBNL; John Barnard, Alex Friedman, LLNL; Erik Gilson, Igor Kaganovich, Ronald Davidson, PPPL; Peter Hosemann, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | Discovery Science with Intense, Pulsed Ion Beam |
Oliver Schmitz, on behalf of U.S. stellarator collaborators | Development of 3-ÂD Divertor Solutions for Stellarators through Coordinated Domestic and International Research |
Peter Seidl, Thomas Schenkel, Arun Persaud, LBNL; John Barnard, Alex Friedman, LLNL; Erik Gilson, Igor Kaganovich, Ronald Davidson, PPPL | Heavy-Ion-ÂDriven Inertial Fusion Energy |
Lance Snead, Jake Blanchard, Russ Doerner, Nasr Ghoniem, Yutai Katoh, Rick Kurtz, Jaime Marian, Bob
Odette, Adrian Sabau, Juergen Rapp, Brian Wirth, and Dennis Whyte | An Integrated, Component-level Approach to Fusion Materials Development |
W. M. Stacey, Georgia Tech | Magnetic Fusion Research Priorities |
Dennis Whyte, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center | Exploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors will provide a faster and more attractive fusion development path |
G. A. Wurden & the US stellarator community | Long Pulse Physics via International Stellarator Collaboration |