Abstracts received by the FSSP for the June meeting

 Author(s)  Title or Subject
Mohamed Abdou, Alice Ying, Sergey Smolentsev, and Neil Morley; UCLAScientific Framework for Advancing Blanket/FW/Tritium Fuel Cycle Systems towards FNSF & DEMO Readiness
L.R. Baylor, G.L. Bell, D.A. Rasmussen, ORNL, R. Temkin, M. Shapiro, MIT, J. Hosea, G. Taylor, PPPL, P. Parks, GAAbstract:Plasma Controlling and Sustainment Technologies that Enable Long Pulse Burning Plasma Science
D. P. Brennan (Princeton University), President, University Fusion AssociationThe Role of Universities in Discovery Science in the FES Program
M. R. Brown, representing P. M. Bellan, S. A. Cohen, E. V. Belova, D. Hwang, Swarthmore CollegeThe role of compact torus research in fusion energy science
Richard Buttery, General AtomicsEstablishing the Physics Basis for Sustaining a High Burning Plasma in Steady-State
R.W. Callis, General AtomicsApplied Scientific Research for Blanket and Nuclear Components to Enable Design of the Next-Step Burning Plasma Device
Vincent M. Donnelly and Demetre J. EconomouIgnition Delays in Pulsed Tandem Inductively Coupled Plasmas System
R. P. Drake, R. Mancini, R. D. Petrasso: members of the Omega Laser Facility User Group Executive CommitteeOppositely directed laser beams at the OMEAGE-EP Facility for advancing HED Physics: A Finding and Recommendation of the Omega Laser Facility Users Group
Philip C. Efthimion, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryOffice of Science Partnerships and Leveraging of Discovery Science
Raymond Fonck, Dylan Brennan, Phil Ferguson, Miklos Porkolab, Stewart Prager, Ned Sauthoff, and Tony TaylorPerspectives on 10-Year Planning for the Fusion Energy Sciences Program
W. Fox, A. Bhattacharjee, H. Ji, K. Hill, I. Kaganovich, R. Davidson, D.D. Meyerhofer, R. Betti, D. Froula, D. Uzdensky, C. Kuranz, R. Petrasso, C.K. Li, S. GlenzerLaboratory astrophysics and basic plasma physics with high-energy-density, laser-produced plasmas
A.M. Garofalo, General AtomicsLeveraging International Collaborations to Accelerate Development of the Fusion Nuclear Science Facility
Walter Gekelman, Troy Carter, George Morales, Chris Niemann, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los AngelesThe Basic Plasma Science Facility – Upgrade for the next decade and beyond
S. H. Glenzer, P. Heimann, A. Fry, J. Hastings, R. W. Falcone, F. Fiuza, S. Hau-RiegeHigh-Energy Density science at 4th generation Light Sources
David N. Hill, Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryDevelop the basis for PMI solutions for FNSF
S. Jardin, N. Ferraro, A. Glasser, V. Izzo, S. Kruger, H. Strauss, and the SciDAC Center for Extended MHD Modeling (CEMM)Increased Understanding and Predictive Modeling of Tokamak Disruptions
H. Ji, for the Workshop on Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics TeamMajor Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics
H. Ji, C. Forest, M. Mauel, S. Prager, J. Sarff, and E. ThomasImportance of Intermediate-scale Experiments in Discovery Plasma Science
C. E. Kessel, J. P. Blanchard, A. Davis, L. El-Guebaly, N. Ghoniem, P. Humrickhouse, A. Khodak, S. Malang, B. Merrill, N. Morley, G. H. Neilson, F. M. sdfPoli, M. Rensink, T. Rognlien, A. Rowcliffe, S. Smolentsev, L. Snead, M. S. Tillack, P. Titus, L. Waganer, A. Ying, K. Young, Y. ZhaiPrinceton Plasma Physics Critical Fusion Nuclear Material Science Activities Required Over the Next Decade to Establish the Scientific Basis for a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility
Predrag S. Krsti, Stony Brook University, NY, Igor Kaganovich, and Daren Stotler, PPPLMultiscale, integrated divertor plasma-material simulation
Mark J. Kushner, University of MichiganScience Issues in Low Temperature Plasmas: Overview, Progress and Needs
Brian LaBombard, MIT PSFCA nationally organized, advanced divertor tokamak test facility is needed to demonstrate plasma exhaust and PMI solutions for FNSF/DEMO.
Matt Landreman (University of Maryland) on behalf of U.S. stellarator collaborators3D theory and computation as a major driver for advances in stellarators Matt Landreman
Jon Van Lew, Alice Ying, University of California, Los AngelesTemperature control and hysteretic morphology analysis for ceramic breeder pebble beds used for tritium breeding
Joseph V. Minervini, Leslie Bromberg, Peter J. Lee, David C. LarbalestierSuperconducting Magnets Research for a Viable US Fusion Program
R. R. Parker, S-G. Baek, P. T. Bonoli, Y. Lin, M. Porkolab, S. Shiraiwa, G. M. Wallace, S. J. Wukitch, MIT PSFCRF Actuators for Steady-State Tokamak Development
R. Prater, General AtomicsOptimize Current Drive Techniques Enabling Steady-State Operation of Burning Plasma Tokamaks
Yevgeny Raitses, Igor Kaganovich and Brent Stratton, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryPlasma Science Associated with Modern Nanotechnology
John Sarff, on behalf of the MST Team and RFP Collaborators Opportunities and Context for Reversed Field Pinch Research
Thomas Schenkel, Peter Seidl, Arun Persaud, Andrew Minor, LBNL; John Barnard, Alex Friedman, LLNL; Erik Gilson, Igor Kaganovich, Ronald Davidson, PPPL; Peter Hosemann, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, BerkeleyDiscovery Science with Intense, Pulsed Ion Beam
Oliver Schmitz, on behalf of U.S. stellarator collaboratorsDevelopment of 3-­D Divertor Solutions for Stellarators through Coordinated Domestic and International Research
Peter Seidl, Thomas Schenkel, Arun Persaud, LBNL; John Barnard, Alex Friedman, LLNL; Erik Gilson, Igor Kaganovich, Ronald Davidson, PPPLHeavy-Ion-­Driven Inertial Fusion Energy
Lance Snead, Jake Blanchard, Russ Doerner, Nasr Ghoniem, Yutai Katoh, Rick Kurtz, Jaime Marian, Bob Odette, Adrian Sabau, Juergen Rapp, Brian Wirth, and Dennis WhyteAn Integrated, Component-level Approach to Fusion Materials Development
W. M. Stacey, Georgia TechMagnetic Fusion Research Priorities
Dennis Whyte, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion CenterExploiting high magnetic fields from new superconductors will provide a faster and more attractive fusion development path
G. A. Wurden & the US stellarator communityLong Pulse Physics via International Stellarator Collaboration
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