J.P. Allain, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & B.E. Koel, Princeton University | Establishing the surface science and engineering of plasma-facing liquid-metal PFCs |
R. Boivin (GA), M. Austin (UT), T. Biewer (ORNL), D. Brower (UCLA), E. Doyle (UCLA), G. McKee (UW), P. Snyder (GA) | Enhanced Validation of Performance-Defining Physics through Measurement Innovation |
D. P. Brennan (Princeton University), President, University Fusion Association, on behalf of the University Fusion Association Executive Committee | The Role of University Scale Groups in Fusion Research for the Next Decade |
D.L. Brower (UCLA-Leader), Theodore Biewer (ORNL-Deputy Leader), on behalf of USBPO Diagnostics Topical Group | A Burning Plasma Diagnostic Technology Initiative for the US Magnetic Fusion Energy Science Program |
Peter Catto and Paul Bonoli (MIT PSFC); Sergei Krasheninnikov (UCSD); Dmitri Ryutov (LLNL); Steve Cowley, Jack Connor and Jim Hastie (Culham); Jim Myra and Dan D'Ippolito (Lodestar); Felix Parra, Alex Schekochihin and Michael Barnes (Oxford); Per Helander (IPP-Greifswald), Allen Boozer (Columbia); C. S. Chang, Stephen Jardin, Cynthia Phillips and Greg Hammett (PPPL), John Cary (Tech-X); Francois Waelbroeck (IFS); Bill Dorland and Matt Landreman (Maryland) | Unique opportunities to advance theory and simulations of RF heating & current drive and core & pedestal physics at reactor relevant regimes in the Advanced Divertor Experiment |
C.S. Chang (PPPL), S.E. Parker (University of Colorado), and M. Greenwald (MIT) | First-Principles Simulation of Whole Fusion Device on Leadership Class HPCs in Collaboration with ASCR Scientist |
Raymond Fonck for the PEGASUS team. University of Wisconsin-Madison | Initiatives in Non-Solenoidal Startup and Edge Stability Dynamics at Near-Unity Aspect Ratio in the PEGASUS Experiment |
J. Freidberg, E. Marmar, H. Neilson, M. Zarnstorff, MIT PSFC, PPPL | MIT-PSFC Makes the Case for QUASAR |
Guoyong Fu, Zhihong Lin, Yang Chen, Scott Parker, Carl Sovinec | Integrated Simulation of Performance-limiting MHD and Energetic Particle Instabilities with Micro-turbulence |
Robert Goldston, Brian LaBombard, Dennis Whyte, Michael Zanrstorff | A Strategy for Resolving the Problems of Plasma-Material Interaction for FNSF |
C.M. Greenfield for the U.S. Burning Plasma Organization | Positioning the U.S. to Play a Leading Role in and Benefit from a Successful ITER Research Program |
Houyang Guo and BPMIC Team DIII-D National Facility, General Atomics | Developing Heat Flux Solutions for Next-Step Fusion Devices |
W. Guttenfelder, D.L. Brower, N.A. Crocker, S.M. Kaye, J.H. Irby, J.E. Menard, W.A. Peebles, M. Podesta, M.J. Pueschel, Y. Ren, T.L. Rhodes, L. Schmitz, A.E. White | Validating electromagnetic turbulence and transport effects for burning plasmas |
G. W. Hammett, C.S. Chang, S. Kaye (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory), A. Pletzer, J. Cary (Tech-X) | Integrated Computing Initiative To Predict Fusion Device Performance and Study Possible Improvements |
D.L. Hillis and ORNL Team | Materials Facilities Initiative |
M. Jaworski, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, on behalf of the LM PFC working group | Liquid metal plasma-material interaction science and component development toward integrated demonstration |
R. Maingi, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, on behalf of a LM PFC working group | A Liquid Metal PFC Initiative |
Dick Majeski, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | A conceptual design for a low aspect ratio liquid lithium tokamak for STFNSF, a fusion pilot plant, or a compact power reactor. |
Dick Majeski, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | LTX: Exploring the advantages of liquid lithium walls |
E. Marmar, on behalf of the Alcator Team | Successful completion of Alcator C-Mod, and the transition to a new, advanced divertor facility (ADX) to solve key challenges in PMI and development of the steady-state tokamak |
Dale Meade, Chair Magnetic Fusion Program Leaders Road Map Study Group | Optimizing the Next 10 Years of Fusion Research Toward the Goal of Fusion Energy |
J. Menard, PPPL for the NSTX-U team | NSTX-U: ST research to accelerate fusion development |
C.C. Petty, General Atomics | Preparing for Burning Plasma Operation and Exploitation in ITER |
C. K. Phillips and P. T. Bonoli , L. A. Berry, N. Bertelli, D. D. Ippolito, D. L. Green, R.W. Harvey, E. F. Jaeger, J. Myra, M. Porkolab, S. Shiraiwa, D.N. Smithe, E. J. Valeo, and J. C. Wright | International Collaborative Initiative for RF Simulation Models in support of ITER and the ITER Integrated Modeling Program |
M. Podesta, J. K. Anderson, W. Boeglin, B. Breizman, D. Darrow, A. Fasoli, E. Fredrickson, G.-Y. Fu, N. Gorelenkov, Z. Lin, J. Menard, S. Pinches, J. Snipes, S. Tripathi, M. VanZeeland, R. White | Development of tools for understanding, predicting and controlling fast-ion-driven instabilities in burning plasmas |
S. Prager, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | The PPPL Perspective on the Charge to the FESAC Strategic Planning Panel |
R. Raman, T.R. Jarboe, B. A. Nelson, University of Washington, WA, J. E. Menard, D. Mueller, M. Ono, T. Brown, PPPL | Simplifying the ST and AT Concepts |
S.A. Sabbagh, N. Commaux, N. Eidietis, S.P. Gerhardt, B. Granetz, J.M. Hanson, V. Izzo, E. Kolemen, R. La Haye, J.E. Menard, R. Raman, M. Walker | Critical Need for Disruption Prediction, Avoidance, and Mitigation in Tokamaks |
Philip Snyder and Vincent Chan, General Atomics | Crossing the Threshold to Prediction-Driven Research and Device Design |
E. J. Strait, General Atomics | Establishing the Basis for Sustained Tokamak Fusion Through Stability Control and Disruption Avoidance |
P.W. Terry (Wisconsin), Peter Catto (MIT), Nikolai Gorelenkov (PPPL), Jim Myra (Lodestar), Dmitri Ryutov (Livermore), Phil Snyder (GA), and F. Waelbroeck (IFS) | Role of Analytic Theory in the US Magnetic Fusion Program |
US Fusion Program Stragey in the ITER Era | T. S. Taylor, General Atomics |
Zeke Unterberg, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for the Boundary/PMI Center Team at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility | Advanced Materials Validation in Toroidal Systems for Next-Step Devices |
M. R. Wade and the DIII-D Team, General Atomics | Develop the Scientific Basis for Buring Plasma Experiments and Fusion Energy Development (A 10 Year Vision for DIII-D) |
Anne White, Paul Bonoli, Bob Granetz, Martin Greenwald, Zach Hartwig, Brian LaBombard, Earl Marmar, Miklos Porkolab, Syunichi Shiraiwa, Graham Wright, and the entire MIT-PSFC Team Advanced plasma diagnostics for validation in high-performance toroidal confinement experiments | Advanced plasma diagnostics for validation in high-performance toroidal confinement experiments |