Index of White Papers submitted to the FESAC Subcommittee on MFE Priorities (FSMP)

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Each white paper listed below is a link to the corresponding document that's posted in the discussion forum. After clicking a link, if a "Sorry" message is displayed then click "Sign In", near the upper-right corner of the window, to log in. If you do not have a forum account then here is the sign-up information. USBPO membership is not required to access the white papers or discussions.
 First Author   Paper Subject
AbdouBlanket, Fisrt Wall
BogatuFusion Applications for Nanoparticle Plasma Jets
BoozerCompatability of Physics and Engineering
BoozerMagnetic reconnection in space
BoozerSeparation of magnetic field lines
BourqueFusion program input, ICF ideas
BourqueRing Accelerated Reactor
BrennanImportance of University Programs
CattoPredictive Simulations of Drift Wave Turbulence ...
El-GubalyTritium Breeding
FlussEarly Materials Qualifications
FreidbergC-Mod Future
FreidbergPriorities for MFE
FroningSpecially Conditioned SU(2) Em Fields
GoldstonPMI Development for FNSF or Demo
HsuEPR Excom Statement
HughesHigh confinement regimes without ELMs
HwangCompact Toroid Injection
JarboeCurrent drive and current profile control
JawarskiLiquid Metal Plasma Facing Component Research
KesnerProgrammatic Recommendations
KesselFES Priorities Over the Next 10-20 years
KrugerWhole-Device Modeling
LaBombardDevelop High-Temp Divertor Systems before FNSF
LipschutzImportance of materials and plasma-wall interactions studies
MannheimerLinks to Earlier Publications
MarmarUniversity Programs in Fusion Science and Technology ...
MauelFusion Technologies for Tritium-Suppressed D-D Fusion
MenardCommunity participation and design studies for a U.S. FNSF
MenardRole of the Spherical Tokamak ...
MerrillFusion Safety and Environmental Research
MiloraUS Enabling R&D Program Importance
MilroyModeling and the EPR Program
MinerviniSuperconducting Magnets Research
MordijckUniversities are providing Human Capital
NeilsonNext step planning R&D activity for FES
NeilsonU.S. Domestic Stellarator Program
NygrenIntegrated view of in-vessel technology
OlynykInternational collaborations ...
OlynykEnsuring a workforce
[open letter] Open letter from a group of early career plasma & fusion scientists
Pengan evolutionary experimental FNSF
PorkolabCurrent Drive Requirements
PostComments Future Possibilities of MFE Program
PragerConstrained 10 Year Fusion Program
RamanNon-Inductive Current Drive for start Up and ramp up in NSTX-U
RamanMGI Studies in NSTX-U
RamanElectromagnetic Particle Injector System on NSTX-U
RamanDeveloping an advanced fueling system on NSTX-U
RappPMI Science and PFC Technology
SabbaughEnable U.S. Magnetic Fusion Program Leadership
SabbaughNSTX-U global mode stability reseaerch
SarffNeed for Multi-Configuration Research
SheffieldThoughts on Future MFE Program
SnyderKey Priorities of the U.S. MFES Program
SowderDevelopment of Code and Standards
SpongHigh Beta Stellarators
StaceyComments on MFE Research
TangFSP Program
TempkinRF Heating Technology
[UFA]Importance of University Programs
[UTexas]Commercialization for Investors
WadeKey Priorities for the U.S. Program in Support of ITER
WebbCover Letter
WebbQuark Synthesis String Theory from Dark Matter ...
WeitznerNeed for a National Stellarator Program
WhiteOutsourcing Fusion: recruitment and retention of women
WhyteDeveloping a Robust Compact Tokamak Reactor ...
WongPhysics and Materials Interface Challenges
WoodruffPath to Market for Compact Modular Fusion Power Cores (FESAC white paper)
WoodruffPath to Market for Compact Modular Fusion Power Cores (original paper)
WurdenFusion program planning, hidden assumptions (paper 1)
WurdenEarly inputs to the FES panel
WurderRisk Reduction
WurdenLeading Fusion Research via Alternative Pathways
ZakharovLiWall Fusion ...
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