FSMP Announcements Archive
The FESAC Subcommittee on MFE Priorities (FSMP) announcements on this page have expired or are otherwise inactive. They are posted here for records-keeping purposes.
Expired Announcements
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012
From: Albert Opdenaker
Additional Time for Public Comment Presentations to the MFE Subcommittee on MFE Priorities
The FESAC Subcommittee on MFE Priorities recognizes that the available time to prepare presentations on any comments you may have had on the subjects covered by the April 13, 2012 charge to FESAC was rather short. Therefore, additional time is being added to the agenda of the July 31st meeting of the subcommittee to allow those of you who did not speak during the July 18th meeting to do so during the coming meeting. The public comment session at the July 31st meeting is tentatively scheduled from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM.
The July 31st meeting will be held at the:
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Bethesda - Washington DC
8120 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
If you would like to make an oral statement during that meeting, please send me a message stating your interest in doing so. Please plan to arrive at the meeting location at 1:00 PM and you will be permitted to make your presentation in the order that I receive your e-mail stating your intent to speak. It would be most helpful if you would prepare any slides you intend to present in the PowerPoint format and save it to a thumb drive so that we can load it onto the meeting laptop before you speak. Your comments should be restricted to the topics covered by the charge that has been given to FESAC in the April 13, 2012 letter from Dr Brinkman to Dr. Martin Greenwald that is attached.
In addition to any oral presentations, the subcommittee strongly urges that those wishing to provide it with their views on these subjects do so in the form of 'white papers' that are likely to be somewhat more helpful to its deliberations. Please submit your written submissions via e-mail to Dr. Rosner at r-rosner@uchicago.edu with a cc to his assistant, Lydia Veliko, at lydiav@uchicago.edu. It is our intention to post all of the responses that we receive on a web site that is currently "under constructions". We will let you know the web site address as soon as it is available.
I would ask all of you, especially those of you who are Chairs or leaders of groups such as APS-DPP, ANS-FED, FPA, UFA, to pass this message along to you members. The same goes for fusion program leaders at the labs and anyone who recognizes that I have left someone off of this mailing list. We want this message to get the widest possible distribution in the community.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or Dr. Rosner.
Albert Opdenaker
Fusion Energy Sciences
Office of Science
Department of Energy
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012
From: Albert Opdenaker
Oral Presentations to the FESAC Subcommittee on MFE Priorities
I sent a message to you on July 10th telling you that the FESAC Subcommittee on MFE Priorities is seeking input from the fusion research community on the April 13, 2013 charge to FESAC from Dr. Brinkman.
I now want to inform you that if you are interested in making your views known to the Subcommittee by way of an oral presentation, you may come to the meeting of the subcommittee at 1:30 PM on July 18th at
The Hilton Double Tree Hotel
8120 Wisconsin Ave
Bethesda, MD
If you are planning to do this please inform Dr Rosner at [r_rosner@ci.uchicago.edu] and me at this address as soon as possible.
I would also encourage you to prepare a white paper as described in the previous message and send it via e-mail to Dr Rosner, and me. A White Paper is not required for you to make an oral presentation to the Subcommittee.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Albert Opdenaker
Fusion Energy Sciences
Office of Science
Department of Energy