Instructions for preparing White Papers   (expired)

DUE DATE: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2013  <--- expired
  • Recommended length of 4 pages or less (1 in margins, 12 pt font, single-spaced)
  • Papers should include references to supporting material, but must be self-contained in providing the information requested below
  • Email papers to John Sarff (jssarff[at] and Don Rej (drej[at]

  • Required contents for the white paper:
  • Summary of the research that will be performed on the facility and how this research leads to world-leading science.
  • Description of the facility (new, upgrade, or coordinated program using multiple facilities). A graphic that would represent the facility in a 1-page description is recommended.
  • Description of the facility's impact beyond the FES mission, if relevant.
  • Context for the facility with respect to research gaps, needs, and opportunities as described in recent FES planning documents: ReNeW, Priorities-Gaps-Opportunities, MFE Priorities Subcommittee Report (available soon), etc.
  • Context of the facility relative to the world effort in fusion and plasma science research. Describe how the facility would extend beyond existing research capabilities, noting important differences in physical parameters.
  • Provide an estimate of the construction cost, annual operation cost, and schedule. Also include an estimate of the value of the existing facility for proposed upgrades. Describe the basis for these estimates.
  • Assess the readiness of the facility concept using the criteria and categories indicated in Dr. Brinkman's letter. Justify this assessment by referring to specific scientific and engineering requirements for the proposed facility.
    • Ready to initiate construction.
    • Significant scientific/engineering challenges need to be resolved before initiating construction.
    • Mission and technical requirements are not yet fully defined.

Download the above "Instructions for preparing White Papers" here.

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